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People talk about getting their life together... well, that's what I've been doing for a couple of years now.


A month ago, I had a yard sale to get rid of the stuff I didn't need, then donated the rest for a tax write-off... that seemed to push me in the right direction, because now I'm looking at not one but TWO new jobs (rent-a-cop and speed dating event host).


This is great, because the boss at my day job (who's not only as good-looking and arrogant as they come, but he sucks at hiding his emotions) was all gloating and happy because he intimidated me into working more hours than necessary. In plain English, this means he wants me to remain on the teat... I'll still be just as broke, only with less "me" time.


Well, I thought, enough of this... I'm tired of barely squeaking by, and now it's time for me to go out and hunt bigger game. Doing speed dating hosting especially will be a lot of work, but the lure of making $1K or more a night is pretty damn tempting.


The irony is, as I realize how much better off I can become, I find myself fantasizing less about meeting that one special woman and building a life together with her, and fantasizing more about recapturing my lost youth and doing the things I've always wanted to do but could never afford them or was never allowed to do them...

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