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suggestions on how to get rid of fat under my belly and above

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i have fast metabolism and all the food that i eat just stays in ma stomach and makes ma stomach bigger. i have like fat under my belly that i would love to lose. does anyone have any suggestions on what i should do to get rid of the fat? at the same time i want to gain weight on my legs? i dont think crunches will give me a flat stomach since i already have a flaby stomach its just goin to build the muscles underneath so i was thinking of running but for how long?

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If you had a fast metabolism, you wouldn't have fat on your belly. You have to cut the calories and exercise to lose fat. Change in diet is essential.


You don't have to run... walking is just as effective. 30 minutes daily will work wonders, but you've got to change your diet to see results.

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Originally posted by watdoIdo

i dont think crunches will give me a flat stomach since i already have a flaby stomach its just goin to build the muscles underneath so i was thinking of running but for how long?


exactly. As western already explained, the only true way of losing your belly is doing cardio. Muscles already exist underneath the fat, you just have to burn it off so you can see it. There are some intense ab exercises you can do using a polotti (spelled correct?) ball.


Crunches are not the most intensive abs exercises, there are many better types out there, do some research.

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How old are you? I hear the belly problem hits around middle age. I do know some younger people who stay skinny everywhere but there though.


The only answer to your problem is lots of exercise, particularly exercises that target the problem area. OR lipo on your stomach.

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Forget lots of carbs (pasta, bread, etc).

Eat more chicken, fish and turkey (and salads).

Do 1 hour of cardio workouts a day 5x a week.


The quickest way to lose weight is to take in LESS calories than you BURN. So count calories and work out and burn more than you eat.


Trust me on this. I'm a gym rat and I know what works :)

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