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Taking a day off sick from work

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Just after a few opinions really


I just called in sick to work but now I feel really guilty :/ I've had 5 bouts of diarrhoea this morning, have stomach cramps and am feeling really queasy. As I work in pharmacy I didn't think it was a good idea to go in. My manager didn't seem too impressed when I called...


Thing is, I'm an IBS sufferer- so I don't know now whether I should have just knuckled down and got on with the day at work :/ but usually my IBS symptoms are constipation, stomach cramps and muscle aches. I've been really stressed recently and I wonder whether this has caused my symptoms. Surely a day away will improve my mental health and therefore my physical health (if I am just having a flare up not a bug)?


Eurgh I don't know why I am second guessing myself now- I felt ill enough to call in sick- but after doing it, my manager just made me feel even worse about calling :/ it's not like I'll get sick pay or anything- I just couldn't physically go in earlier.

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Don't feel guilty! What if you 'had an accident' on the way to work? What if it goes on for many more hours (I hope not!)


Stay hydrated and get some rest. You're right where you belong.

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Your boss shouldn't be making you feel bad for having to take off for being sick. Do you have problems with him in other areas?

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Thanks for your responses. I think I just needed reassurance. I've headed back to bed and am going to take it easy. I've been feeling so unstable at work any way for a few weeks and being away for a day (even if ill) will help me put my head back together!


Yes I have numerous issues with my manager. I'm a preregistration pharmacist who is supposed to be there as an extra member of staff and to learn. But she doesn't get that- I end up running round doing several people's jobs due to poor management and getting more and more stressed. And her attitude is appalling. I spoke to someone about moving stores recently -which could be a possibility- but my tutor (different from store manager) thinks it's too close to my final exams and I should just tough it out as being in a bad environment like mine is "character building". But I've had 9 months of this now- I'd like the last 3 before my exam to be better! I don't know what to decide about it at the moment.

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I know it's easier said than done but you absolutely shouldn't feel guilty for being off work sick! If you just couldn't be bothered and took the day off to chill out or had a raging hangover that's one thing, but if you're genuinely sick you're sick. I've had to take yesterday and today off sick with the mother of all migraines, I've been in excruciating pain, vomiting etc. I work in therapy so have to let down a tonne of patients and I feel terrible about it but it's out of my hands and I know I'd be no use to anyone if I dragged myself in, dashing out mid-appointment to be sick and with my eyes squinted shut.


I have a long term chronic pain disability that has led to a tonne of time off previous jobs several years ago, so I am always super paranoid about being off sick now and only take the day off if I'm near death's door and just can't make it in. I always feel like I have to save my sick days in case the pain gets bad and flares up!

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Are you sure you are not lactose intolerant? That was the source of my IBS. Once I got that under control my symptoms went.

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With only 3 mos to go, I say just deal with it. And btw a lot of people who aren't managers love to throw around the 'poor management' phrase. The truth is, most managers are stressed and pulled from all directions. And they're usually catching crap from more than one boss. It can make a person nuts but from the manager's team's view, they get to sit back and criticize. You don't know what your manager has to deal with so just do what your manager wants, finish your time there and be done with it.

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Just after a few opinions really


I just called in sick to work but now I feel really guilty :/ I've had 5 bouts of diarrhoea this morning, have stomach cramps and am feeling really queasy. As I work in pharmacy I didn't think it was a good idea to go in. My manager didn't seem too impressed when I called...


Thing is, I'm an IBS sufferer- so I don't know now whether I should have just knuckled down and got on with the day at work :/ but usually my IBS symptoms are constipation, stomach cramps and muscle aches. I've been really stressed recently and I wonder whether this has caused my symptoms. Surely a day away will improve my mental health and therefore my physical health (if I am just having a flare up not a bug)?


Eurgh I don't know why I am second guessing myself now- I felt ill enough to call in sick- but after doing it, my manager just made me feel even worse about calling :/ it's not like I'll get sick pay or anything- I just couldn't physically go in earlier.


Don't feel guilty, you had a huge reason to call in sick. Chances are you have a stomach bug or ate something that didn't sit well.


Your boss is in the wrong by making you feel worse about calling in sick.

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I'm having to call in sick again today- have vomiting and diarrhoea this morning :/ feeling pretty lousy!


I know I have to just grin and bare it with my manager. But she drives me insane- and I never usually lose my temper with people at all. Recently she's claimed to have no knowledge of the time off I agreed with her (back in Dec) before my exams, she won't write anything down for confirmation, won't let me fill in expenses forms (I'm owed over £100 in travel for training days), plans people's working days very last minute- we had a member of staff phone every day to find out what day she is working because the manager couldn't decide. Then the other day she arranged people's days off so that it was only me and a temp working! When usually it's a minimum of 4 people working to be at safe levels!


Gah 3 months to go...

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Don't think I'm lactose intolerant- I don't eat a lot of dairy anyway and I trialled soya milk for 2 weeks and it made no difference

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Don't think I'm lactose intolerant- I don't eat a lot of dairy anyway and I trialled soya milk for 2 weeks and it made no difference

There is dairy in all Western food, you would have to replace cheese with lactose free cheese, etc. Not just cut out normal milk (there is lactose free milk at least in the UK, no need to go soya).


The fact that you are vomiting is a very bad sign, are you sure this is IBS? Have you been diagnosed?

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I rarely eat cheese anyway- maybe once or twice a month?


I think this time is a stomach virus not IBS now. I do have IBS (diagnosed from a hospital specialist when I was 11 years old)- so everytime I get stomach symptoms I think it could be that and I should just battle through it. But I think this time I actually have a virus as I'm so nauseous too and keep getting headaches.

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