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Exercise. How little is too Little???

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I work out on my manual treadmill about 15 minutes 2X a week, and use an electronic one 1-2 times a week for 20-30 min. Is this good exercise or not quite enough. Yes, I religously do this. Yes, for the most part, I eat right. I just want to know if it sounds like this is too little exercise for the human body?

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I think what is most important is your heart rate. It varies by age of course. Mine should be 23 beats per 10 second count to be at optimal level for a 30 year old.


Sorry, that's about all that I know, except for that the standards were just recently raised for the amount of excercise you need each week. Ya know, it used to be 3 times a week, now they're recommending it much more often. Sorry I couldn't be of more help to ya. Continue to exerciset though, you're doing the right thing!

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I think if you are not gaining weight and you feel fine then it is ok. I swim ever morning for 20 minutes still feel it is not enough since I am not getting tired. But I don’t complain on my weight and I eat normal.

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Any amount of exercise is good atleast your doing something on a regular basis :D, i dont think there is a set amount for someone just trying to stay healthy. If say your goals were to lose weight, you may need to do more, but to stay healthy 3x 30minute hard sessions of cardio a week should be enough for anyone i think

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