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ok well i'm gonna go ahead and say that i've been a person who's struggled with my weight my whole life...i've never been a huge person but 15-30 lbs heavier than i'd like to be


well i changed that one day...when instead eating healthy, exercising myself and weighing myself 4-5x a week...i just started eating health and exercising and not weighing myself


so basically what this allowed me to do was just focus on eating healthy and not trying to work harder one day or relax a little on another day because i was doing good...


this way of dieting has allowed me to not worry about the number and not obsess over it...my recommendation to you is to just throw that scale out get rid of it and tell people what your plan is so you'll stick to it...i lost 30 lbs in 3 months doing that 30 lbs that i could never lose no matter how hard i tried

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If you want to keep the weight off, you need to exercise, and eat healthy and you need to maintain that lifestyle for the rest of your life. There is no quick fix, or short-term solution for a long-term problem.


Make sure you have a good aerobic workout that adequately elevates your heart rate otherwise you are just wasting your time.

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