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hi there. i've always had a problem with wanting to get wasted. after a while when my boyfriend and i were together i didn't drink for a couple months. he had been sober for 2 years!!! then i drank twice after those 5 months and just about 2 months ago my boyfriend started drinking again!! and i did too. i would get withdrawal symptoms when i didnt drink and we do it a lot. but then....he has a problem with me doing it and it shows that he gets angry about it. he drank all this weekend..he's drunk right now. and i really tried hard and i didnt drink today. he's not abusive or acts different in any way. but is this a problem with me?? how can i feel like i dont need to get messed up. its not just alcohol that i fiend too. i dont do other things but i realized that its just the substance abuse and the satisfaction that comes along with it. is there anyone out there who drinks and has a significant other who drinks a lot and you're trying to slow down?? please help. how did you go about getting off that crave???

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For an Alcoholic one drink is too many and 1000 is not enough..


It's alway's the first drink that kills the alcoholic.


You need to go to AA .. A fellowship 12 step program is the best way to stay sober and get rid of the cravings.


I have been sober since June 28,1987 and without AA I would never had been able to quit.


Call your local AA chapter in the phone book and they will have a 12th stepper call you back and talk with you.

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yes i've been thinking about it. my boyfriend did it a while back and he seemed 100% sober and in control and he deliberately chose to start up again. that's why i was hoping i could just do it on my own but if that helps me i really should do it. thanks..

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