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Not ready for a relationship

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About 3 months ago, i met this girl at a party and we hit it off. I got her number and she has been texting me each day since. We’ve gone on 5 dates in this past month, and each time we’re together i can tell that she is extremely into me, holding hands, lots of kissing, even mentioning things we can do in the future. She has also recently introduced me to a few of her close friends. However, i have noticed that the days after our dates she will become a little cold and distant, which unfortunately made me start to act a little needy and start to rush things into a relationship. I also find out 5 months ago she ended her long term relationship with her ex.


So last week we were hanging out, i ask her to be my gf, and she says yes. The next morning a get a long text about how shes not ready and the timing isnt right. I told her i understand and that we shouldnt be talking until she figures her stuff out.


I understand that i may just be a rebound, but i do like this girl and i believe there is a connection. We havent talked for a week. I dont plan on initiating any contact, but i am really bummed that this didnt work out. Im wondering if anyone has any experience or advice on this situation. Will she ever contact me. Can it work out eventually?

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We all have experience in that department. You need to move on and forget about her. Her heart isn't free to invest in getting to know you. She liked the dates as something to keep her mind busy but then realized it's not keeping all of her mind off her ex. Everyone that comes out of a relationship needs some time off to process what happened and to reassess what they want next. She's not done doing that. Don't wait, she's gone. Be happy you've only invested 5 dates in her, it often happen to people after 2-3 months dating.

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Agree with Gaeta. This is code for "I'm just not that into you". If she was, she wouldn't hesitate to lock you down. The reason she said yes when you asked was the heat of the moment but on reflection she decided that she's just not that into you. Maybe she has other options on the go or maybe she just wants to keep looking around. Either way, she doesn't think you're Mr Right and so it's time to move on.

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BTW, she’s done you a solid favor. There are people in her situation who would string you along for the companionship. She knows you want more than that so has cut you free.


Hurts now but keeps you from wasting any more time. Move on...


Mr. Lucky

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