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In a dilemma...want to keep both friends, but feel like losing both...?

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What would you do if ...you had a best friend, but then she kind of drifted away from you. And then, this another girl became good friend with you. You moved on and make many new friends. You and your good friend still keep in touch, always talk to each other online and stuff. But not so much with your ex-best friend. But in your heart, you still think that your ex-best friend is more important than your good friend. But you never show it because secretly you are still angry at the reason you and your ex-best friend drifted away, which was because she made a new best friend and you felt excluded. Lately, your good friend have been complaining to you about her feeling excluded by them, and you comforted her, telling her that was how you felt. But today, you found out that your good friend hang out with your ex-best friend and felt excluded. You told your good friend that you think she doesn't want to hang out with you any more and that she just want you to be there when she have problems with your ex-best friend. You said to her that she never ask you to hang out. Your good friend messaged you, saying that she thought you wouldn't have time for her since you made so many new friends, and that she already ask you to hang out during the holiday. You told her that she asked to go out during the holiday, but she went with you ex-best friend when it wasn't holiday. She said she understand what you meant now, and that she is sorry. You decided to ignore her.


So, I want to ask:

a) Do you think you will tell your ex-best friend that your good friend have been complaining about her to get back on your good friend because she made you upset?

b) What would you want your good friend to do? And what can she do to stop you from getting upset?

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