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Divorced mom's activities with her ex?

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I'm a divorced 42 yr old male with no kids. G/f is divorced 43 yr old with 1 adopted child from previous marriage.



G/f shares custody with ex. They both attend soccer games, practices, medical appointments, and school activities. It seems to me that this should be the extent of the time that g/f and ex should be spending together.


However, lately, after soccer games or practice, they all go to dinner together. Dental appointments turn into dinner, or lunch. G/f will meet ex and child at the park to play when he has custody.


Her ex bombards her regularly with text, email, US mail, etc begging for he to take him back. She maintains that she does these additional activites with him so she can see the child when she doesn't have custody.



This really bothers me, and I feel that spending all of this time with her ex, even though it supposedly to see the child, is disrespectful to me. Am I being unreasonable in expecting that they should part ways after soccer games and doctor visits? Other thoughts?

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