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Anyone in the same boat as me?

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Does anyone else have an in-law-from-hell?

My future sister in law is a pain in the $%! :D

She complains about how much of a "hard life" she has, she's put my culture down and tell my fiance how to run his life.

Of course he sticks by me and it's us against her.

She wants everyone to think about her and then she goes off saying pathetic things about us... to us!

The thing is she complains about the same thing over and over again, thats whats very bothering.


I've just told her what i think of her and everything she says to us, it wasn't mean, very straight to the point.

Did I do the right thing? Or should have I kept my mouth shut and pretend to be a "happy family".

I love spending family time with her husband and my niece and nephew to be but everything she says drives me nuts! :o


Has anyone else done the same thing before and how did it turn out?

I'd really like to listen to other peoples stories regarding in laws that didn't turn out so nice.

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