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one foot out the door

confused girl

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confused girl

it seems that this relationship i'm in has it's up's and down's to the point that my foot is either ready to go his you know what or out the door. how can one person be so moody? this guy is either in a good mood for moments at at time then in bad moods for moments at a time. either or, black or white, never in between.


this has me so confused, i'm so tired of not knowing what is going to come out of his mouth, good or bad. it seems the evenings are all that we really have when he is okay. we hug and cuddle all evening on the couch and he tells me he loves me so much, etc.


then why during the day does he have to be so rude to me and moody? i just don't get it. he also takes these little jabs at me but has gotten better since i pointed them out to him. still at times i'm not happy at all, i'm downright depressed and other times i cann't wait until we get our house together.


what a mess huh? i'm so mixed up. i don't know weather to leave him or just accept him as this is the way he is. how does one decide this? i do love him alot, but just am not happy with the way things are from time to time. is this normal in a relationship?


do people leave people they love just because they are moody and take it out on you, or is this something i shouldn't have to put up with to be with this guy that i love? i just really honestly don't get it, help please!

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If you are sick and have an unhealthy view of life and a poor self image and if you don't mind being hurt and depressed half or more of the time, you might stick around a guy like that...yes.


But if you think a lot of yourself, if you feel you deserve respect, consideration, courtesy, and decent treatment, you won't put up with this crap another hour.


It doesn't seem he's going to change. Living in hell during the day and being down in the dumps a great amount of the time is a very high price to pay for a few hours of cuddling at night. It seems the cuddling is the carrot he dangles in front of your face to keep you just enough enticed to want to remain in the relationship.


If you think he'll change in the future, join the millions of other women around the world who are waiting for their buttholes to turn into princes.


Exactly why would you want to accept this? Why would you want to condemn yourself to a life of ups and downs, depression, instability, etc.?


Get rid of the bum.

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hi confused girl,


i wouldn't expect this guy to change in a hurry. in fact, i wouldn't expect him to change at all. from what your post indicates, he appears to be moody by nature....and you know we can't change nature.


if your own happiness means anything to you, don't put up with this crap. don't hang on to the times he makes you feel good, because if my calculations are correct (i'm somewhat mathematically challenged), there are 24 hours in a day...for approximately 7-8 hours he will be sleeping, for approximately 10 hours he will be moody, and for approximately 6, he will be feeling smoochy....so you have a total of roughly 6 hours out of 24 that he makes you feel good....not exactly the best way to spend a day, is it?


and another thing...i noticed your comment about you having to point out to him the little jabs he makes at you. you shouldn't have to point these out at him. he knows full-well what is coming out of his mouth, and if he doesn't have the decency to think before he speaks or if he thinks it's ok to say whatever the hell he pleases with total disregard to your feelings, then you don't need him in your life. this is who he is, and he has no excuse to behave like this.


let his moods be his problem, NOT YOURS.


if it were me in this situation, i would accept this is the way he is, and leave him. he sounds like a nightmare.


good luck :)

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