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Demonic Toddler!


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As I lie in bed this evening listening to my two yr old jump and scream in his bed, I reminisce of the times when he would go to bed willingly and happy around 8:3pm and stay asleep til 7:30am. I was blessed to say the least. Now....my child has turned into something not of this world. I have no idea where the temper tAntrums have come from but half the time I just sit and stare at him in awe.


Well moms, how have you all been dealing?

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Bless your heart! They are a normal part of growing up and will pass! (only to return for a while in their teens) :p


Honestly with my most stubborn child I would ignore it (if at home) and redirect. I would just look at him then wander off mumbling something about I can't find cookie monster or I wonder if that frog is still in the bushes, and he would quickly drop the tantrum and follow me. It even works on my dog when he's being a pest!

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Haha thanks for the response. He seems to have roughly two big tantrums. Per day, each lasting between five to ten mins, then maye one or two little ones that last two to three mins each. I can't help but just gawk!

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I feel you, OP...except my 3 yr old son has never, NEVER, gone willingly and happily to bed at 8:30 and then slept through the night. So count your blessings, I guess.


It's a good thing they're so cute, eh?

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Spare the rod and spoil the child. A parent must pick their battles from an early age...and win. Control and eating habits are 2 that you are a must win. My wife and I spanked our children(mildly) from the ages of 2-4 and they are older(9,12, and 14), and I haven't physically corrected any of them since they have been 5, and they listen, are respectful, and successful. They all remember being spanked to this day, and all fear it even though I wouldn't do it anymore. You cannot reason or impose any kind of logic on a 2 yr old that is having a tantrum. Only by ignoring them or scaring them will end it.

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I hear you. I'm going through the same thing with my toddler (20 months). He used to smile at me in his crib before and lie down, no problems. Now he screams and cries every night, every single one! He's been doing this for about two months. One of us used to go in and comfort him (no picking up) because we weren't sure if anything was wrong but now we just suffer through it until he falls asleep.

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