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in serious debt but might need a lawyer

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we're in debt up to our eye balls. we have credit cards that we can barely pay every month. Our house is on the market and when it sells at asking price, we would still be 25K upside down. I think my wife is seeking separation for the wrong reason. What am I to do? I want to take care of myself when it comes to that time. Should I get a lawyer? We may get a divorce if the therapist doesn't straighten her out. She wanting to be alone and independent but we've got 2 kids.


I know in TX, everything is split 50/50 even debts. I'm afraid that if someone does want to buy our house, we won't have the money to come up and pay the difference. She claims we can use one of the credit cards but I checked the balance and there's not enough available. We'd be in another legal sh*t hole.

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I think you need to file for bankruptcy.

Get some financial advice, FOC. there are advisers out there who give some specified time up-front, for free.

Gather all your financial paperwork together, and put it in good order (dates, times, etc.) All your bills, invoices, financial commitments, paperwork on the house, responsibilities - everything.

Make sure it's easy to follow, legible and complete!

Then - with your wife, as she's half the deal - go and see somebody about this.

Tell your wife that separation is not an option, because divorce from you won't stop the financial responsibility coming to her. She may only get half the problem - but it will still be a problem.


This is the second thread I've replied to today about financial hardship.

It's tragic.

But a sign of the times.

I wish you well.

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