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Seems like after no contact guys seem to come back, but not for long.


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I just noticed after no contact and not reaching out to a guy for months, and no longer waiting or caring they seem to contact out of the blue. Yesterday, this guy that I went out with and had a casual relationship for a year texted me out of nowhere and It’s been 6 years since I’ve seen him. I had no idea who it was, then he told me. I ignored and blocked him. I didn’t care. Then it happened with at least 3 other guys. One guy wanted a break , contact me 5 months we met up then poof. The end. Disappeared. Another guy, I went on a date with then he just faded, I forgot about him, then 8 years later we both liked each other on Tinder, he messaged me on there and wanted me to text him. I’m like wth? I deleted his number. I ignored and never texted him. Weird. Anyone have similar stories?

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I wish my ex would contact me.... I doubt he will while he has a new person in his life. Maybe if that doesn't work out, then he might contact me. My luck it'll probably work out between them though.

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Yeah, i feel like that happens with me too with most guys if they're not married already. A few of the guys i dated, it seemed like right after me they got married. And they were good guys too...I broke it off with a couple of them and the others just didn't work out for them.


Now, the ones that i somehow had bad experiences with and/or casual relationships somehow always showed up again. But at this point i wasn't interested. And thats how it usually is. It sucks because at one point you really wanted to work things out with this person and then they want to show up late when you are no longer interested and know your worth. Like really? Where were you when i was throwing myself and initiating texts/calls/dates and wanted your 4ss???? lol ugh....men


I think they come back when they are horny though and noone else is paying attention to them.

Edited by c1nderella
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