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What do you tell your parents?


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I've been talking to my ex recently and we act like we're dating but just not being official about it. We're taking it slow and haven't discussed making it official yet either. I haven't even told my parents that I'm talking to him again because I know they would really disapprove...I feel so bad for going behind their backs but I feel like its easier this way, to not have to face their judgement and questions, and I think it would really upset them if they found out we were talking again. Have you told your parents when you started talking to your ex?


Here's some background info by the way...we're both 21 and in college, he dorms and I commute so I'm home whenever I'm not in class or at work, so I'm hardly at home. We dated for almost 2 years, and he studied abroad for most of our relationship, and the reason why we broke up when he wanted to go abroad again. Also I tend to make him my priority and decided I needed time to focus more on myself and not be miserable about being without him for 6 months. He also was scared to tell me about studying abroad so he kind of hid it from me and really downplayed it and avoided it every time I asked him about it. My parents noticed how upset I was before/after the break up, and when he came back from abroad and we started talking again they were furious. They both never liked him and thought I could do better looks wise, and thought he was too polite and we acted too uptight around each other, and he isn't interested in the "finer things in life". My parents dont like to admit it but they can be sort of pretentious.


Sorry for the long wording, thanks so much for any advice!

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