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6 Weeks No Contact…Nothing From Her

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Went out with her for 5 years 3 months. Were both in love with each other. She breaks up with me. I try my best to change everything about me, including losing 80 lbs, getting a job and working out like a mad man. Everything I did during the 4 months after the break up to get her back didn’t help. I tried calling, texting, jealousy, everything. Every single time she replied back to me that she doesn’t ever want to get back together with me ever.


Recently, (2 months ago) she started dating someone else and now they are officially BF and GF. There is a pic of them online together wearing matching halloween costumes. He’s a bit of an opposite from what I am but she’s convinced (based on what ive heard from others) that he treats her really well. They have sleep overs and have gone on a weekend trip together to another city.


Flashback 3 years into our relationship and I cheat on her. It was bad! I learned a very valuable lesson and can safely say I would never do that again to anyone in the future. We did end up getting back together after doing that but that was not the cause of our relationship ending.


6 weeks ago when she first started seeing this guy I heard she was going around telling people that we broke up BECAUSE i cheated on her which was not the case. To defend my name, I freaked out at her over text message and i said some mean things to her. She also took that time to rub her new relationship in my face. I also mentioned to her in that text message fight that i had been sleeping with the girl i cheated on her with.


Major **** up there but its been 6 weeks since i messaged her freaking out and of pure no contact (other than liking a comment she made on her brothers facebook, which she made him delete). Point is i really miss her and while i truly feel like im moving on theres still a part of me that wants her back like crazy and im sitting here waiting for her to message me or reach out to me but i dont know if she will because of this new relationship that she is in.

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Keep to NC and please work toward the idea of no reconciliation.


She doesnt sound at all interested.

And unfortunately, your most recent actions likely solidified her negative memories of you.


I am sure there were good times, but the bad ones you report are pretty profound.

Mentioning the girl you cheated with was likely very hurtful to her.

Not a smart move if you'd hoped to rekindle things--ever.


What advice are you seeking exactly?

If there's a chance? Or, how to let go?

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"I heard she was going around telling people that we broke up BECAUSE i cheated on her which was not the case."

"Flashback 3 years into our relationship and I cheat on her. It was bad!"

"I also mentioned to her in that text message fight that i had been sleeping with the girl i cheated on her with."



You did at some point cheat on her, AND you texted her that you were still cheating on her.

She CAN say the breakup was from cheating.


I agree with everything cerridwen posted.

That was a not-so-good ending to the relationship.

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