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grass is greener an acceptable choice?


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my ex and i have been split for about a year. we talk frequently and even chat about doing some pretty grandiose travels and outings together. this is after a few months of NC, where she contacted me to try to meet up. we broke up because we were together for about 5 years during and after college. as a result, we were eachothers first serious relationship. when things got hard we both questioned if we could stick with it forever since we were both getting unhappy. i was willing to try, but she wanted to break up because she wanted to know that it was worth all the effort and would ultimately be happier making it work. anyways, my main question is whether that is an acceptable reason to break up and whether i should feel resentment towards her for pushing for the break up? would you take someone back who pushed for the break because she legitimately wanted to have a reference point for our relationship?

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she wanted to break up because she wanted to know that it was worth all the effort and would ultimately be happier making it work. sounds like headgames to me – but I'm just a cranky old married lady who's never really subscribed to that kind of crap.


if you're not happy, and you've tried to bring about change, then let it go. If you're not happy, and you're unwilling to try to make it work, let it go. Because flogging a dead horse isn't going to bring it back to life even though you're using a different instrument each time, you know?


my main question is whether that is an acceptable reason to break up for me personally, no, because that only shows a lack of maturity on my partner's end


should I feel resentment towards her for pushing for the break up?

can't tell you how to feel, dude, because you're the one having to go through this. I guess the real question here is, what are you willing to put up with in a relationship ...


would you take someone back who pushed for the break because she legitimately wanted to have a reference point for our relationship? each situation is different (even just in the lifetime of one person), and there might be other circumstances involved that would encourage a reunion. However, I really don't subscribe to mindgames ... or cheating ... so I probably wouldn't go for a reunion with that person.

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