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1 month ago my ex dumped me on Easter Sunday and went back to one of her exes. No warning just out of the blue dropped me. I took most of the advice that I got from here, didn't call her, joined a gym, started going out again with old friends and have been feeling alot better. During this past month she would still call me from time to time but I would never really talk to her. The yesterday she calls to wish my mother happy Mothers Day and when I answer the phone she busts out in tears saying how she got dumped. She spent about 30 minutes crying and apoligizing to me about what she had done and how she must have made me feel. I know its kind of mean but when she told me that he dumped her I was kind of happy that she was feeling that pain of what she did to me. Now she wants me to come over and sit with her because she doesn't want to be alone. I don't really want to because I still have feelings for her but I know she is hurting and I know how she is and she will do something stupid to herself if left alone for to long.

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I firmly believe that what goes around comes around! I guess she is realizing what she had and that she should have stayed. Don't fall for that . Be her friend nothing more. Do be careful and don't fall into her trap.

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You are just a shoulder for her to cry on my friend! She dumped you for another guy ( her ex) that just shows you she still had feelings for him and you were just there to be a foot stool


Now don't give in to temptation, because it won't be karma, unless you say no jk

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