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My 2 bad break ups in 2 years


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Two years ago, I was with someone older than me. It was the best relationship I've ever been in! I still think about her almost everyday. And I'm always wishing the best and happy for her.


I went through the crazy depression after we split. She played mind games after she broke up with me. She openly flirted with people and made me look like a demon infront of everybody. That didn't stop me from being being confident. I knew who I really was and her words couldn't hurt me. I blocked her on everything in my life and moved on.


I still see her every now and then at gatherings. She always attempts to grab my attention but I ignore her and mind my business. She has stalked me a few times I know that for a fact.


Anyways, after a while of not seeing her I met someone new. She was great and I loved this woman so much. Although, she was clingy beyond belief! It would upset her if I wanted to spend time with my family or friends. She would always be upset with me everyday when I don't want to sleepover. She would always want to talk to me when I am at work during my break. She would get upset when I don't respond to her text fast enough.


Lastly, she asked for all her gifts back when she split.


I gave everything back to her.


I've been single for a 3/4 months now. Feels good not to be around toxic people. Feels good to be able to do whatever I want without any consequences. I'm in the process of rebuilding myself and enjoying my time with people who really love me.

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