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Blocking to unblocking to blocking again....


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Any other dumpees go through this cycle? I go through this cycle of not giving a hoot about my ex to caring. I go from being bitter to being hurt and missing him. I also go from blocking him and unblocking him on Facebook. Last night I said I would make it the final time that I will be blocking him.


To make matters worst, he tries to talk to me in this group that we are both apart of. I know I shouldn't be talking to him, regardless of however the form, I know, but the emotional me falls into it. Even though it's like small talk because he would comment on some of the things I post and stuff, and I don't get it how he can talk to me so easily as if that seven months meant nothing to him.


I know I didn't meet him as well since it was a LDR, but I was working on meeting him. I understand why he dumped me but he could have done it in a better way than dumping me as if I was trash and he could have just told me the problem he was having because I didn't know any of this until he told me the day of the breakup.


A part of me wants him to feel pain, to feel regret because he knows when there's a problem, I try everything in me to fix the problem. Even when I fall and stumble he knows I keep going. However, the thing that keeps me thinking that I shouldn't even worry about him is that when he told me before he dumped me, as in the day before. Few days before, he told me how I'm worth it, to finding out from him how he doesn't think I'm worth it and wanting to go on a break, regardless of whatever. I don't need someone that doesn't see my worth, that doesn't see my value. I am worth it and I don't think I need to prove that to anyone. If he can't see my worth, that's on him. I don't see the breakup as my loss, is that bad though?


Anyways, this cycle of blocking and unblocking is vicious, and I deleted his number weeks ago and I'm not worried about texting him because I suck at remembering numbers like that.


Anyone have blocking\unblocking stories?


I also realized that looking at his profile and pictures, doesn't help me at all. I end up thinking about him more and more. I've been getting better and working on my confidence and looking through his profile, never helped.

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Queen stop looking at him on FB it's really not worth it, it will only upset you! When my ex finished with me I tried to sort our relationship out via Facebook new I was waisting my time so I sent here a good bye message and deleted her Ive not looked at her since, because I know it would break my heart if I did so I don't, block him or delete him and all groups he's in and never look again



Keep strong

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Listen to the above message Queen. Looking at his profile is just going to continue this vicious of wanting to know where he is and what he's doing (and who he's doing). From firsthand experience, I'll just leave you with this. If you continue checking his profile, you're going to see something you didn't bargain for, and it's going to rock your inner being.



Stop chasing someone who doesn't want to be with you and DOESN'T CARE to be with you.

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