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I Can't Stop Thinking About Her

A Broken Man

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A Broken Man

I was recently involved in well “a fling” with this woman however now I am heartbroken. All the traditional red flags were there, meaning I knew she was to young for me (she was 21 years old so it was legal), she had a boyfriend who she lived with at the time, etc. I chose to ignore those signs because I will be honest she was extremely attractive and I had been curious about her for a while. To make a long story short, from the end of October to Valentine’s Day we had sex very often but what I thought were true feelings arose. I love you was exchanged many many times. She used to leave me text messages declaring that her love for me was greater than her love for anyone she has previously known, that I saved her from a breaking point in her life, you get the picture. We spent lots of time together, I spent lots of money on her by my own choice, etc. We had our differences, I was not to keen with her past sexual history, which I did NOT ask her about because I truly didn’t want to know, which brought out my insecurities not to mention again that she had a live in boyfriend that she was now cheating on so trust was something I never had for her. With all of these glaring faults I was still swept away in a whirlwind of her words and physical attributes. I know this all sounds like nothing more than infatuation and I am sure a large part of this was but somewhere in all of this fluff actual feelings developed. She claims to have loved me, I know I loved her on some level. Did I see her having my children? No. I never really mentioned dating primarily because she had a boyfriend and I didn’t want her to go from one relationship to another.

Fast forward to last week. I found out she went on a date, of course I found out because of her Facebook post, well we fought via text where she proceeded to tell my that she could still go on dates and still have feelings for me, she didn’t want to have feelings for me because she would never date me now, She calmed down and that Monday I told her that I still loved her and she replied “and I love you”. On Wednesday of that same week she told me that she stopped loving me completely. To be fair she said at the end of February that she realized rhat she didn’t love me like she used to. Now this week she told me that she really likes someone else and that I just need to leave her alone and back off.

How in the world does someone cut a person, that they said at one point that they loved the most ever, out of their life so easily. I am so hung up over this that I can’t focus on anything else, I know I should not contact her anymore but I want to. What do I do? I can’t move on

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Be glad you find this out sooner than later...........


and also be glad you didn't get into a relationship with her.


"How in the world does someone cut a person, that they said at one point that they loved the most ever, out of their life so easily. I am so hung up over this that I can’t focus on anything else, I know I should not contact her anymore but I want to. What do I do? I can’t move on."


it just means they are not that into you and they do not love you strong enough and seriously to be with you.


You can move on, the reason why you can't move on is because you keep telling yourself you can't.


The moment you start thinking you CAN, you CAN move on.


Please start your healing journey, cease contact with her if you want to truly move on than to put yourself in the PAST.


Remove her in your facebook, by looking at her FB wall will get you nowhere, it will only make you feel hurt and depress and hinder your healing process.


You can do it :)

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You're surprised by this when she was already cheating on her live in BF with you? Wow...There is a difference between lust and love it sounds like the both of you don't know the difference. How old are you? Let the slut have her flings, she clearly isn't relationship material. Just go no contact and you'll eventually get over it. Try to listen to the logically part of your brain. Lesson: Don't get emotionally involved with young girls that are already in relationships.

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