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im not sure if i can ever be happy again


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as the acceptance rolls into view, and letting go gets closer everyday.. i wonder if ill ever be that happy again.


for example i was shoveling snow today and i remember doing it last year and feeling very contempt in my life whilst doing it and happy to be doing it and enjoying the snow.


today i was not happy and miserable and finding things to bitch about in my head and of course recounting my mistakes that lead me to a place of loneliness.


so...im sure ill find someone else. probably not as good though in my eyes. right now nothing is.


its very strange feeling. i wish i had just given her the space she had asked for. i wish i wasnt so obsessive and controlling and pushy to the point where now i have to suffer being alone and really not so much alone s knowing ill never be with her again, never see her again, and all that.


its super lame. i did it. therein lies my pain. in the fact that i did it to myself.


so to let go of the guilt is the last step. the guilt is there to teach me a lesson.


i made her fall out of love with me. and that is so hard to swallow. even if all my hopes and dreams came true im not sure if i can forget her or how we felt.


do dumpers remember the love they had once? or just the breakup and how much of a giant pussy you acted?


im thinking the later...:sick:

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Hey man.. honestly... regardless of how much we know about relationships.. when you're in the situation itself... you don't think.


I think MOST guys I know (including me) did what you did... you get 'controlling' when she says she needs space... immediately you assume she's ****ing someone else... your mind plays games with you... because women.. relationships... one big ****ing game. it sucks.


I'm having a downer now... (having ups and downs lately... 3 months post break up w/ 3 months NC) but I can say with sheer confidence... why be with someone who is going to push us away? Why give our world to a selfish girl who cares only about her world. If you meant something to her (or I meant something to my ex..) they'd be in our worlds RIGHT now. They'd do ALL those things WE WANT TO DO to us... call.. text.. e-mail... cry... beg.. drive 4-5 hours to come see us for our hearts.


but.. they don't.


Makes me feel like they don't deserve us. hm


They are too selfish and not mature enough to understand the give-take relationship. It's a 2 way street... if she isn't willing to give her world to you... who else is she going to hurt? Don't let it be you again... i'm sorry man

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yeah i know im not the first.


but i pride myself on my intelligence and the fact i couldnt control my emotions still pisses me off.


honestly ive probably done a lot more these last 4 months as far as self examination then i wouldve ever done otherwise.


but i mean if i just forgot my phone at home one day i would still have her.


and that eats me up inside.

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I'm not sure if i can ever be happy again


as my sister was very fond of telling her children, there is no such thing as "I can't," just "I won't."


in other words, you've got to get a grip on yourself and understand that while you're grieving the loss of a relationship you so dearly wanted, it doesn't mean you will not love again or find a relationship that brings you happiness.


i made her fall out of love with me. and that is so hard to swallow. even if all my hopes and dreams came true im not sure if i can forget her or how we felt.


without trying to sound mean, that's a very conceited thing to say, "I made her fall out of love with me." You were yourself, and she decided this relationship wasn't what she wanted, period. You might have been a jackass or a blowhard or a jerk or whatever term you want to use, but ultimately, the decision to leave was hers alone. You didn't "make" her fall out of love, she just chose not to invest anymore in the relationship.


no one is asking you to forget her or the feelings you've had, because those experiences make up who you are. We are asking, however, that you look at this relationship as a learning experience that you can draw from when you fall in love again. Grieving is hard, and there's no deadline involved, but part of healing is to stop feeling sorry for yourself. Because the longer you wallow in the "what if" the harder it will be to move on.


you deserve much, much more than to keep flaying yourself, man.

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do dumpers remember the love they had once? or just the breakup and how much of a giant pussy you acted?

they remember both

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yeah i know im not the first.


but i pride myself on my intelligence and the fact i couldnt control my emotions still pisses me off.


honestly ive probably done a lot more these last 4 months as far as self examination then i wouldve ever done otherwise.


but i mean if i just forgot my phone at home one day i would still have her.


and that eats me up inside.


Hey -


Don't let it get to you. It was her choice... it was her problem. She couldn't handle something and there is nothing that you could've done or can do to change it. If she wanted it... regardless of what you did... you BOTH would've worked it out together. do you really want to be with someone who can do this to you? No. she's selfish and has her own interests at heart...


Personally.. I'm a Phd candidate.. I KNOW I'm smart... my ex always told me how smart I am. But you know what.. despite my intelligence and ability to think outside the paradigm (in regards to research)... my ex left me. She just pushed me out. I thought she was cheating.. I became the CLINGER. We all do it. It sucks... we don't think rationally. You know what... the best thing YOU can do RIGHT NOW.. is pretend to forget her. If you hold on to the thing that hurt you it can only hurt you. There is nothing you have done wrong (unless you cheated, etc, etc...) - this is her problem.. and chances are... as you move on, she'll realize what she lost and WANT IT BACK. But by then.. you know where you'll be? Successful, happy, and with someone new... someone better!


I'm moving on... TERRIFIED my ex will break the NO CONTACT we've had for 3 months now. I was getting by... the breakup was TERRIBLE. hurtful things were said and she told me I was used for comfort and sex. complimenting the sex and my bedroom abilities... I should feel great. No,I feel used & disgusting. She told me she never cared about me... ever. ugh... NOW... after defacebooking ALL my friends... blocking me.. blocking a hot friend of mine she was jealous of... she unblocks me randomly. Why? b/c it's been 3 months and EITHER she's being really selfish and trying to feed her ego.. OR (and I believe this is why)... LIKE most women (who are not mentally ill)... she has feelings.. emotions..


...she realized why she broke up with her ex (she left me for her ex) in the first place... and what a great guy I am and I'm moving on. She unblocked me at random 3 months later to somehow establish some sort of connection with me... possibly hoping I'll contact her (which I won't... I can't... she was toxic)... and eventually, when I don't.. she'll contact me. It's only a matter of time.


And you know what... different situation for you, but I assure you... Look at yourself. Look at how amazing you are. I am sure of it. you're here talking to total strangers... venting your emotions. That's not easy to do. It speaks a lot about character. You are in touch with yourself, while maintaining that Macho persona. You are confident - and you know... sooner or later... your ex is going to remember these things and want that again. And you won't be there. you'll be off doing BIGGER & better things. For every stupid girl like your ex and mine... there are 10 girls out there wondering where the **** guys like us are for them.




Good luck man!

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but i pride myself on my intelligence and the fact i couldnt control my emotions still pisses me off.


Being smart or being intelligent doesn't have anything to do with being brokenhearted. :confused: bananaboat & I have been responding to each other's posts and I found out that he's a PhD candidate. I'm pursuing a PharmD (doctorate in pharmacy). From every angle, outsiders would look at me and say "Wow, you must be smart."


Dealing with the most horrendous break-up in my life made me feel not quite so. It affected my academic performance and I'm still trying to fix it. It's been very tough and I've felt very, very stupid.


Just wanted to address this. Intelligent should never be equated to being in control when it comes to romance. If logic were involved, I have a feeling a lot of us would have been spared from all the stories we've been sharing. Give me Sudoku or Rubrik's cube or Calculus problems to solve anytime, man.

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**** her.


ill be happy again when i bang something hotter.


gotta keep moving up the latter. i think thats whats killing me is the thinking this was the hottest piece ill ever get.


so...i gotta get something hotter combine that with really not caring anymore about women and ill be happy again.


she worshipped me when i didnt give a **** about her. cared to much. it was a turn off or something (you girls are crazy) and i lost her.


valuable lesson. im not the best looking guy, but i should strive to be happy. knowing i got there once and can get there again.


these are the things that should empower me as i work towards a life i ****ing love without a woman in it.


then when they come and they will come ill be in the best place.


she, well im sure she might miss me here and there. **** 3+ years together she aint going to forget me. but i have to STRIVE for indifference toward if she cares or not, but basically she doesnt.


but she was a good one. i gotta keep my head up though. keep moving forward you cant go back.


shell learn wake up one day and be like i wonder what happened to him...

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so...im sure ill find someone else. probably not as good though in my eyes. right now nothing is.


I think that with EVERY relationship. But you just DON'T know!


You will know love again and all of the friendship, passion and happiness but you have to keep working on letting your ex go completely!


You have to believe that the right woman is out there. You can't think negatively all of the time because negative with fester itself onto your soul and give off an unbelievably bad vibe.


Of course, you need to heal first anyway, but when the time comes, be ready to embrace a new love in your life.


You're damn right in thinking that she won't be anything like your ex......because she will be better.

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meh...wish i could take back a lot of words..a lot.........


dang............DANG DANG!!!!!!!


It wasn't YOU. It was HER. Trust me.. I'm dealing with a girl like that RIGHT now.


It's only a matter of weeks until she breaks no contact. I bet you 1,000,000.00USD she's WAITING for me to break it to push me away again (to feed her ego that she can have me)... and I bet your girl is the EXACT same way. It's a Low-Self-Esteem Type Sad girl that is gorgeous in every aspect, but doesn't know how to surpass the qualifying stages of a relationship into the long term bonding or couldn't maintain the bonding stage.


So how do they cope? They push us out. Eventually... when they THINK (even if you haven't) you.. me... we've moved on... it'll bother them more than THIS **** is bothering us. Trust me. I am learning all too well of their kind.


We are better than this.


Stay strong! Do NOT regret anything... or it will have all been in vain!


ps - Penelope, I'm going to go run some errands & shower... then respond to you in my "I'm going to cave post"... I have a stupid solution to my problem :D LOL... just promise you won't hit me :p

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well i contacted her last week. m


maybe if i kept NC since the beginning.


i know in october when i called her and i had been on like 25 days NC and she didnt pick up she called right back and left a message. also she was responding to my texts last week. in novemeber she sent me a letter that was like "what we had was so special and beuatiful. balh blah blah.


basically i put myself in a huge whole by my actions after the breakup. so i know she will still talk to me and isnt the type to just jump on another dick (i think...) anyway shell check up on me whne im completely gone or moved on but she is also the type to just move on.


shes very independent and is prolly already on to something maybe not beeter but attention from some sort of man. she works in a hedge fund with dudes that all bank and all wanted her so it prolly took hours b4 they were taking her out and consoling her.

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well i contacted her last week. m


maybe if i kept NC since the beginning.


i know in october when i called her and i had been on like 25 days NC and she didnt pick up she called right back and left a message. also she was responding to my texts last week. in novemeber she sent me a letter that was like "what we had was so special and beuatiful. balh blah blah.


basically i put myself in a huge whole by my actions after the breakup. so i know she will still talk to me and isnt the type to just jump on another dick (i think...) anyway shell check up on me whne im completely gone or moved on but she is also the type to just move on.


shes very independent and is prolly already on to something maybe not beeter but attention from some sort of man. she works in a hedge fund with dudes that all bank and all wanted her so it prolly took hours b4 they were taking her out and consoling her.


Don't look back, bud. Just take it from here and focus on yourself. The sooner you start implementing actions that will allow you to think of her less and less, the sooner you'll be okay.


The posters here care more about you. At the risk of sounding too straightforward and rude, I don't care about how independent she is. She can handle herself and doing it differently. You really should be thinking of yourself and how you'll be okay...


Carhill's truism: the person who cares least is the one who has the power and control. Sorry if that's not in verbatim, but the gist of the message still stands. Those hedge fund people? They don't matter. They don't know your story and she can treat them the way she's been treating you/treated you. Then maybe we'll see a few of them on LS in a few months!


Man, I'm seeing all sorts of people I can take as my jogging buddy. I've been out of shape as of late, I can really use one. I'd take you along for a jog, too. Get your head cleared and make your heart a little lighter with more oxygen, some muscle soreness, and less memories.


Keep moving forward. We're rooting for you.

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I'm moving on... TERRIFIED my ex will break the NO CONTACT we've had for 3 months now. I was getting by... the breakup was TERRIBLE. hurtful things were said and she told me I was used for comfort and sex. complimenting the sex and my bedroom abilities... I should feel great. No,I feel used & disgusting. She told me she never cared about me... ever. ugh... NOW... after defacebooking ALL my friends... blocking me.. blocking a hot friend of mine she was jealous of... she unblocks me randomly. Why? b/c it's been 3 months and EITHER she's being really selfish and trying to feed her ego.. OR (and I believe this is why)... LIKE most women (who are not mentally ill)... she has feelings.. emotions..


...she realized why she broke up with her ex (she left me for her ex) in the first place... and what a great guy I am and I'm moving on. She unblocked me at random 3 months later to somehow establish some sort of connection with me... possibly hoping I'll contact her (which I won't... I can't... she was toxic)... and eventually, when I don't.. she'll contact me. It's only a matter of time.


Hi banana,


I read your post and my mouth dropped. Your exes behavior toward you is repugnant!! It's not you who is disgusting in any way, shape, or form, it's HER!! She's disgusting in the way she behaved toward you!! I'm sure she unblocked you to throw out a feeler in an attempt to get you to contact her. I don't have FB so I have a question. Since you know she unblocked you, is there a way that you can block her? Stay strong!! Having had the ex-bf resurface 3 times now, I know it can be really difficult and mind f-ing when they come back around even if they don't intend it to be. Just remain firm in your boundaries and centered within yourself and I know you'll find the inner strength to get through it. Be strong. You rock!!

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Hi banana,


I read your post and my mouth dropped. Your exes behavior toward you is repugnant!! It's not you who is disgusting in any way, shape, or form, it's HER!! She's disgusting in the way she behaved toward you!! I'm sure she unblocked you to throw out a feeler in an attempt to get you to contact her. I don't have FB so I have a question. Since you know she unblocked you, is there a way that you can block her? Stay strong!! Having had the ex-bf resurface 3 times now, I know it can be really difficult and mind f-ing when they come back around even if they don't intend it to be. Just remain firm in your boundaries and centered within yourself and I know you'll find the inner strength to get through it. Be strong. You rock!!



Wow... thank you.




I'm trying to be strong, but since noticing her appear on a mutual friend's FB page.. I've been sick to my stomach like she just broke up with me ALL over again... I need to grow up, but I find it seemingly difficult. It's killing me, but I cannot thank all of you enough for your kind words and your ability to lift me back up! So thank you!

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Its always the hardest to look back at what we did and sometimes it is not really clear what even happened. We usualy dont think of the future much we are focused on the present and what we are doing now.


At the time you may have felt oK doing whatever it was for yourself. Maybe it wasnt as bad as you thought. And could'nt the other person tell you if they felt lonely or smothered like you said.

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Wow... thank you.




I'm trying to be strong, but since noticing her appear on a mutual friend's FB page.. I've been sick to my stomach like she just broke up with me ALL over again... I need to grow up, but I find it seemingly difficult. It's killing me, but I cannot thank all of you enough for your kind words and your ability to lift me back up! So thank you!


Hi again banana,


You're most welcome!! I don't know if it has as much to do with growing up. I'm pretty well grown up (at least I think I am) and it's difficult no matter age or maturity level to have your heart ripped out. Further, you seem to be VERY mature in your response to all this especially in light of her repulsive departure. Don't be too rough on yourself, seeing them online, but especially in person often requires boat loads of tums and pepto bismal!! Stay away from looking at her. It will only make you sick. Every time you want to look at her, avoid it and find another pretty girl to look at online instead and let me know when you reach 100. Your task has begun!!

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Hi again banana,


You're most welcome!! I don't know if it has as much to do with growing up. I'm pretty well grown up (at least I think I am) and it's difficult no matter age or maturity level to have your heart ripped out. Further, you seem to be VERY mature in your response to all this especially in light of her repulsive departure. Don't be too rough on yourself, seeing them online, but especially in person often requires boat loads of tums and pepto bismal!! Stay away from looking at her. It will only make you sick. Every time you want to look at her, avoid it and find another pretty girl to look at online instead and let me know when you reach 100. Your task has begun!!


You, Penelope, and Heartbreakgirl have seriously given me good reason to smile again. My good friends in real life have done just that, but sometimes - I feel so guilty (even though they say it's alright - that I've done the same for them in the past and will do in the future, and I would...) crying to them.


From a psychological standpoint... and this is my opinion... I'm a physiologist, not a psychologist, but I firmly believe one day those of us on these boards... the very few who can seek support and express their true rapture from the depths of their hearts.. expressing the void we all possess and filling it with kind words and emotions from others who experience the same....

...The ability to cope and manage these inclinations to contact the ex for whatever reason and the meaning beyond what is... to find some greater being than what is missing your life...


...we each rise up a better, stronger, sexier, more intelligent, more emotionally secure, more able bodied to recognize warning signs for our next relationships, to carry on our knowledge - not in fear, but in respect to ourselves. Or at least, that is our hope... And I'm quite sure after conversing with so many of you, that is what I feel and truly what I see from so many of you. =)



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do dumpers remember the love they had once? or just the breakup and how much of a giant pussy you acted?


As a recent dumper, I can say, sometimes I do think 'Boy, and at one time, I was head over heals in love with him.' But most times, I think 'Thank goodness I'm finally FREE!!'.

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You, Penelope, and Heartbreakgirl have seriously given me good reason to smile again. My good friends in real life have done just that, but sometimes - I feel so guilty (even though they say it's alright - that I've done the same for them in the past and will do in the future, and I would...) crying to them.


From a psychological standpoint... and this is my opinion... I'm a physiologist, not a psychologist, but I firmly believe one day those of us on these boards... the very few who can seek support and express their true rapture from the depths of their hearts.. expressing the void we all possess and filling it with kind words and emotions from others who experience the same....

...The ability to cope and manage these inclinations to contact the ex for whatever reason and the meaning beyond what is... to find some greater being than what is missing your life...


...we each rise up a better, stronger, sexier, more intelligent, more emotionally secure, more able bodied to recognize warning signs for our next relationships, to carry on our knowledge - not in fear, but in respect to ourselves. Or at least, that is our hope... And I'm quite sure after conversing with so many of you, that is what I feel and truly what I see from so many of you. =)




Hi again Banana,


I think you're right on!! From a psychological standpoint, I think what is important is to not deny, but instead to think the thoughts, feel the feelings, gain a realistic perspective on the experience and eventually accept the experience so as not to carry the baggage from one relationship experience into another. If you can process it so as to know and take responsibility for what is truly yours, but NOT theirs, you grow so much in wisdom and self awareness and you can take all this knowledge and wisdom into future relationships. These experiences can be a blessing, or a curse. It's all in what we do with it and it's truly and completely in our power to decide. We can't control our whole experience, but we can control our reaction to our experience. I again, pray to God to bring me a stable man for my next relationship.

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Hi again Banana,


I think you're right on!! From a psychological standpoint, I think what is important is to not deny, but instead to think the thoughts, feel the feelings, gain a realistic perspective on the experience and eventually accept the experience so as not to carry the baggage from one relationship experience into another. If you can process it so as to know and take responsibility for what is truly yours, but NOT theirs, you grow so much in wisdom and self awareness and you can take all this knowledge and wisdom into future relationships. These experiences can be a blessing, or a curse. It's all in what we do with it and it's truly and completely in our power to decide. We can't control our whole experience, but we can control our reaction to our experience. I again, pray to God to bring me a stable man for my next relationship.


And you know what.. I truly believe for every **** partner out there, there are 10 GOOD potential partners (gender is TBD by individual) that are wondering where YOU are...


...and I believe that true for you... myself... and pretty much every other contributor on these boards (that has a healthy mind).


All I can do now, thanks to the lot of you is smile :)


And to think, I almost foolishly broke the NC a few days ago.. I am a feebleminded jester for having such thoughts...

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Hey -


Don't let it get to you. It was her choice... it was her problem. She couldn't handle something and there is nothing that you could've done or can do to change it. If she wanted it... regardless of what you did... you BOTH would've worked it out together. do you really want to be with someone who can do this to you? No. she's selfish and has her own interests at heart...


Personally.. I'm a Phd candidate.. I KNOW I'm smart... my ex always told me how smart I am. But you know what.. despite my intelligence and ability to think outside the paradigm (in regards to research)... my ex left me. She just pushed me out. I thought she was cheating.. I became the CLINGER. We all do it. It sucks... we don't think rationally. You know what... the best thing YOU can do RIGHT NOW.. is pretend to forget her. If you hold on to the thing that hurt you it can only hurt you. There is nothing you have done wrong (unless you cheated, etc, etc...) - this is her problem.. and chances are... as you move on, she'll realize what she lost and WANT IT BACK. But by then.. you know where you'll be? Successful, happy, and with someone new... someone better!


I'm moving on... TERRIFIED my ex will break the NO CONTACT we've had for 3 months now. I was getting by... the breakup was TERRIBLE. hurtful things were said and she told me I was used for comfort and sex. complimenting the sex and my bedroom abilities... I should feel great. No,I feel used & disgusting. She told me she never cared about me... ever. ugh... NOW... after defacebooking ALL my friends... blocking me.. blocking a hot friend of mine she was jealous of... she unblocks me randomly. Why? b/c it's been 3 months and EITHER she's being really selfish and trying to feed her ego.. OR (and I believe this is why)... LIKE most women (who are not mentally ill)... she has feelings.. emotions..


...she realized why she broke up with her ex (she left me for her ex) in the first place... and what a great guy I am and I'm moving on. She unblocked me at random 3 months later to somehow establish some sort of connection with me... possibly hoping I'll contact her (which I won't... I can't... she was toxic)... and eventually, when I don't.. she'll contact me. It's only a matter of time.


And you know what... different situation for you, but I assure you... Look at yourself. Look at how amazing you are. I am sure of it. you're here talking to total strangers... venting your emotions. That's not easy to do. It speaks a lot about character. You are in touch with yourself, while maintaining that Macho persona. You are confident - and you know... sooner or later... your ex is going to remember these things and want that again. And you won't be there. you'll be off doing BIGGER & better things. For every stupid girl like your ex and mine... there are 10 girls out there wondering where the **** guys like us are for them.




Good luck man!


lord sound like something smiliar i went through, in a past experience (not my current)


all i have to say is just wow....its like that on both sides of the fence...im intelligent (in which it has been established that it has nothing to do with being broken hearted) and ive made some pretty stupid mistakes....

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As a recent dumper, I can say, sometimes I do think 'Boy, and at one time, I was head over heals in love with him.' But most times, I think 'Thank goodness I'm finally FREE!!'.


wow great. thanks for that. makes me feel ill...

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wow great. thanks for that. makes me feel ill...



Don't listen to blueberry... this is clearly a front for all the pain she's feeling. Why otherwise post in a heartbreak section? If you're over your ex... move on. Blueberry isn't... this is how she's coping. Everyone copes differently... even DUMPERS have to cope. Trust me... I've seen it.. and I'm experiencing it first hand now as a dumpee... my ex (the dumper) unblocked me (for whatever reason)... She's STILL thinking about me.


I bet you your ex is doing the same... (thinking about you)

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Im sorry.... I know how rubbish and painfull it is. When i split with my ex i blamed the entire situation on myself. Thinking of what i could of done, what i shouldnt of done...but that will drive you mad! Dont torture yourself anymore then need be.

Just let yourself grieve...theres no time scale that you can follow but have faith that one day...you will be happy, you will feel a lot better then you are now and you would have grown so much as a person because of all this.

Ignore blackberry...just plain ignore it!


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