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cutting it off clean and early is the way


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I am male and the other is female. We had officially broken up but I stayed in constant contact with her and we wound up having sex again about once a week. for the past 6 weeks. It was feeling almost like we were back together except that she started acting distant about two weeks ago, basically much less frequent communication.


Well...I am on here posting today because I just had this gut feeling last night and I drove to a bar and there she was with another man. She pretended not to see me when I was standing 10 feet away. I walked to where she could not ignore me and just waved at her and then immediately walked out of the bar and went home. I knew there was a chance she might be there and I had decided in advance that there would be no trouble even if they provoked me. The last time we had sex was only about a week ago and I gave her $100 because she said she was broke. I hung out with her on monday and and I think she was subtely trying to hint that I should give her more money. Then on impulse I drive to a bar and there she is, clearly on a date with a guy buying her food and she sitting close to him. I don't think it was their first date either they looked very comfortable together.


Now I knew this thing was going to end, but I wanted to go out thinking that she had some connection or concern at least. The bottom line is that to her I was basically like a disposable kleenex but I thought about her at least an hour a day.


Very sickly sounding eh ? well I have been doing some deep personal housekleening to do something about the root cause of my getting in these kinds of messes, but I had already formed this "relationship" before I really started my self improvement. Basically this was leftovers from the old me that was still dragging me down. I know that in the long run this is definitely for the best, she was definitely using me and not even appreciating it. That is why when I saw her last night I knew the thing was just to make sure that she knew I saw her and then leave. Pardon my french, but that b*&tch is not worth fighting over.


So the disconnect has been made real, nothing like seeing them with another person, its the first time it has happened to me like this so it is a bit shocking. I am supposed to drive to see my mother but I am sort of in a daze and have not packed.

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Read the link at the bottom of my post.

Then Pack.

Then go see your mother.

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