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She turned into an Ice Queen

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Ok.. so here's some background. I've been dating this girl for about 10 months. We had a great time together. Seemingly she adored me. She wanted to move in with me. We traveled, we bonded, we had a great time.


So... I had to work quite a bit in the past month. Like till 2 am for 20 days straight. (i'm in advertising. It's crazy sometimes.) So.. she tell me after not seeing me for a while that she's had time to think and calls it off. I'm heart broken, but I suppose I understand being that I wasn't the best BF in the past month. But still, I'm destroyed and she knows it. Seemingly no second chance to mend things. She called a week after the breakup and I reluctantly picked up. She said, that it was probably a good thing if we remain civil to each other if we ever encountered each other again. She said she hoped I was OK and that I should take care of myself ...the end.


So like a week later, I get laid off. Now I'm bummed out x2. Sucks to lose your girl and your job in the span of two weeks.


So I drop her a line and leave a message saying, hey I got laid off it sure would be good to talk to a friend (or should I say formerly my best friend.) and just talk a little. Just a friendly voice on the other end would of been nice. My life feels like it's falling apart. But she didn't call back. Sent her a few text messages, nice ones mind you. But nothing.


I check on a website she maintainted (She's a photographer.) Some of our adventures, trips we went on were posted there. They were all down. Nothing. It's like she erased me from existance.


My question is, What's up with that? How could someone be cold as to just erase someone from reality? I mean I'm dying here and up until the day she broke it off with me she was very lovey dovey and all was good. Now nothing... I'm a ghost.


Anybody have any throughs. I know women can turn it on and off like water, but this seems so heartless. I'm shattered.:(

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You were giving her a lot of attention, then you had to pay attention to other things, all of a sudden she's no longer the centre of the world.


She's not an ice queen, she's a user.


You're better off without her. Do as westernxer says; go NC all the way.


By the way, your note is a good example of why organizations have trouble keeping good people: You work your tail off for them and the moment the bottom line wobbles a little bit, they cut you loose without a second thought.

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Dude cut her off completly. Been the north pole if need be. Get her out of your life and wallet. I just got rid of my USER it hurts for a while but damn i feel good now.


Be strong friend

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Yea, I know... I should just forget her. It just kind of freaks me out how people can turn on a dime and ditch you. As if you never knew each other.


So.. here is sit... lost my best friend... or so I thought. blahh

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Since my ex decided that he wanted to be alone for awhile and basically pushed me out of our apartment. I was devastated.


After I left the apartment, I felt that the best way to move on was to remove any reminders of him. I took off pictures or references of us on my online profiles. It was a way to protect myself and knowing that he looks at them, I wanted to send back some of the hurt I was feeling. We ended up at the same function about a week and a half ago, but I ignored him. For myself, having No Contact is the best way to recover. I do experience temporary setbacks of loneliness, hurt, anger, and wanting to see/talk to him. But I pray and distract myself until the urge subsides.


I basically turned into an Ice Queen because it was a way to deal with the hurt and rejection. A way to protect myself and my heart. My feelings haven't changed. I am slowly feeling better (we broke up mid-September) but nowhere near to be civil. There can be a day where him and I can talk it out, but I need more time to heal and learn from it.

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