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Cheat, Break-up and the Comeback

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Well, I hoped it's just me who experienced this but maybe not. Why was that? After a person cheats and decided to end relationships just because they've thought it's not working anymore, maybe because of the lack of time for each other, the pressured adjustments that have resulted to negativities, or maybe the change of hearts? or rather the change of lust? duuuh, I hope my brain still intact, if there is. Okay, so why do they really have to come back? I mean, seriously? Is the pain you brought wasn't really enough? Or you want the clean party to get back on you so that your guilt might vanish? So, is it really a win-win play trick? Well, luckily for me, maybe I get a hunch. Maybe, they'd come back just because they realized it's their mistake, or they're more in an advantage if it's you than the other, they didn't get what they intend to, or just because they can't find another dumb person to love the monstrous ways of a wicked? Well then, let your experience say for itself.

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She'll never change. Go NC instantly and do not respond to her text or calls anymore. Block her phone number. Concentrate on your self for a while. Going back and forth + cheater= RUN and never look back.

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Its a little of both- usually the other person doesn't fulfill expectations so they go back to something they are familiar with which is you. And of course they have to tell you how they " realized" thier past mistakes with you and its gonna be so different this time.

And of course your so excited that they are back your not fully thinking with a clear head so usually you give in and take them back. And of course usually they revert back to who they are.

In order to avoid that I've found that you have to go strict NC. And that includes social media. No leaving their number unblocked.

And if and when you run into them no acknowledgement- no hellos or such because in my experience they will use anything in attempt to reenter your life if just for the simple fact to relieve some guilt.

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