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Can't seem to accept it

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I can't seem to accept the fact the relationship is done. It's very recent less than a week ago it happened but I can assure you we're prob not getting back together. All she's been doing the past few days is posting on social media trying to get a rise out of me and I been implying no contact.


I don't want to think too deep into things but do you think no contact could have the other person thinking that "we didn't care about them" or "if he hasn't contacted me he doesn't care then".....I believe in the whole NC thing but I don't want this girl to think I didn't care about her either.


Can anyone just tell me straight up that I need to accept it's done and move on....I know it's very recent but she seems like she's fine. Like the title, I just can't seem to accept it....

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Generally speaking, when someone is fine, they feel no need to advertise it. Not knowing the details of the break up, it's hard to say what i think her motives are for trying to get a rise out of you. She could be angry at you, sad or trying to show you what you're missing. It doesn't mean she wants you back etc. She may just like mind games.


No contact was the only thing that eventually worked for me to get over my ex. When he didn't contact me it didn't make me think he didn't love me- the break up did that, it just made me think he was getting on with his life.


Once I implimented NC every ounce of effort he made to contact me proved how he still didn't care, he just didn't want me to not care.


Either way, NC is hard, it takes balls of steel and discipline but it does work.

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Go full on NC with her.

Block her on all social media.


You don't want to see what she is up to. It's too hard to move on when you have a constant reminder of her.


It's tough but block, block, block.

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I never took breakups so hard. Maybe because girls came easy to me and a week later I was under another girl to get over the last one. I am just intelligent to know that not every women in the world is going to date me or like me after we have dated so I never took it personally. It helped that both girlfriends who cheated on me called me 47 years later to tell me how lousy their life was after we broke up. One still have every item I ever gave her, including pictures of us.


Just do like I did and think it is their loss, not yours. I can see now how a breakup changed the entire course of someone's life. My ex fiancé, the smartest girl in her high school, never became the successful lawyer she always wanted to be and what I was going to work for so she could afford college. Instead the went from man to man, got pregnant by an unknown man, hooked on drugs which resulted in schizophrenia, married a man just to get him to pay for her son's college tuition and left him for a woman. She had a hard life and knew she made a big mistake cheating on me. The other ex sold her body to support her drug habit and had a crack addicted daughter. She too contacted me to tell me how wrong her life when after she cheated on me.


So just think how much she is missing by not staying with you. Always think that they are the loser, not you. Living good is the best revenge you can have. I made it big time and my exes never made it at all.

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