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Everything was fine then the arguments started

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My ex and i met back in October of 2015 and we talked for a while then started dating around december. However, he broke up with me because he "had to focus on school" and "it was just getting too much." I started talking to someone else in that time frame and three months later, my ex and i reconciled and got back together.


He asked me to prom and told me he missed me and such. Things were great and we did distance in the summer for two months but it made us closer and everything was fine but i had an abusive relationship with my parents and in october of 2016 and moved out of my parents house and into my boyfriend's mom's house (my boyfriend and his mom live in separate houses). But his mom started working night shifts and didn't want me by myself so i stayed at my boyfriend's.


Everything was fine then the arguments started because it felt like he didn't want anything to do with me. Like he knew i was here to stay so i became naggy and needy. A few days ago, 3 days after our 13 months, he asked me if i was happy in the relationship and i told him yes. However, he said he wasn't and decided that we should break up. So i moved back into his mom's house.


I sent texts after texts and he told me that "he just didn't want in a relationship right now and he didn't want anyone to love him he just wanted to chill." He also said that "i know you want me to say that we'll get back together after i have time to myself but i can't." The situation is weird because i do live with his mom and see him during family gatherings and holidays and a few days in between. Do you think the situation can be fixed with a no contact rule? Is there a second chance he'll come back?

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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He broke up with you twice. Take the hint. This isn't the guy for you, and you aren't the one for him.


You wrote "Everything was fine...." It wasn't. He'd already broken up with you once. You can wish it to be otherwise, but self-deception won't get any of us far in life.


It's over. It wasn't great to begin with. You have to find another safe place to live. Living with his mother isn't going to last. Make other plans now.


Sure, it sucks; it hurts, but deal with it.

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