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Boyfriend stopped talking after I acted needy.. Will he come back?

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was stressed due to which I acted clingy, annoyed and constantly texted my boyfriend. He has not spoken to me and blocked me since then. Its been a month now for this incident.. Will he come back?

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What kind of boyfriend completely ghosts you and then blocks you because you were annoying him? If I were, I would keep moving forward. Why would you ever tolerate that kind of treatment? The least he can do is communicate what he's feeling/needing to end it and then block you.

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It doesn't sound like he will be back if it's already been a month and he hasn't contact you, plus blocked you. I would move on if I were you. You have to make your own life and not make a man your top priority. Why were you texting him so much?

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Nope. I was needy twice in my life and I am 33 and both times they did not come back. My advice to you is to discuss the reasons why you are so needy. Maybe we can help with that.


I was needy in the past, because I am insecure and instead of doing anything about it, in the past, I sat there in self pity and yelled at those who agreed. I have a not so good past but atleast I can share with you my experience and he is NOT coming back. He's probably already with another women by now.

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Nope. I was needy twice in my life and I am 33 and both times they did not come back. My advice to you is to discuss the reasons why you are so needy. Maybe we can help with that.


I was needy in the past, because I am insecure and instead of doing anything about it, in the past, I sat there in self pity and yelled at those who agreed. I have a not so good past but atleast I can share with you my experience and he is NOT coming back. He's probably already with another women by now.


You're right. It's ususally the women who care the least that get the most.;)

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Hey, does anyone watch General Hospital or any other serious, soap opera's. I would suggest finding a temporary boyfriend until you can get yourself ready for a real one. For example, my borrowed boyfriend is sonny. Now when I sleep, I imagine him and I as oppose to anyone else or feeling lonly. Get in touch with your fantasies and create some law of attraction!

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It doesn't sound like the relationship was very healthy before your 'needy' patch.


If it had been healthy, the consequences wouldn't have been so dire.


Learn from the experience and move on.



Take care.

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A whole month??!...He's gone like this past winter. Unless you watch Game of Thrones...in that case Winter is coming!

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I am going to give you some honest advice. I hate being serious when posting on these forums because I don't know you nor do I know what works for you. I don't know your pain and in my experience, in the most painful period, someone tried to give me advice and looking back and looking at this one particular ladies facebook and website I think god your a complete idiot. I don't want to be that same idiot so I am going to try to do this in the most respectful way possible. I have experience with fear, insecurities, anxiety, depression, lost in life, mid life crisis at 30, judged, insulted, left and I have my own behavior in which I am accountable for. My experience is that the best teacher in life is pain. No one ever wants to be his student and your neediness and dependence on your boyfriend was a result of escaping that pain. I assure you, that the mentor is your pain and you are called upon him to listen to him. Right now it isn't about him or anyone. Your needy because of something inside of you and you need to face him. You need to really think about what it is that caused you to be so "needy" which unraveled - scared, obsessive, insecure, tired, confused, empty.. It's time to have some alone time with your insides because at 70 years old your going to sit down one day and have a chat with someone who's jaw is going to drop. You have to do some soul searching my friend.

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