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Are these classic signs of a rebound relationship?


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Okay so as the title says are these classic signs he's in a rebound relationship and trying to make me jealous:

1) he started seeing her a week after our split.

2) after 2 weeks he's all loved up.

3) he's acting out of character (he's insecure about getting hurt so he never rushes into things)

4) he's also posting things like how she's amazing, perfect on social media (however it's only on Twitter, the only site I can see, there's no trace of it on his other accounts.)

5) he was the one to tell me & he rubbed it in my face.


All of how he's acting is so out of character, even with me & his ex before me he never used to write things like that on social media or rush into things. Is this a classic rebound? But if it is a rebound why is he trying to rub it in my face? I thought rebounds were to help people get over there exs? (Something I disagree with entirely!)

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Not always the case, I once went from one relationship to another within a matter of days. How can one guy treat you so much better than your own boyfriend...?


I remember plastering my Facebook with pictures of the new guy and I (the ex wouldn't even take pictures with me!). The ex didn't cross my mind once apart from when he was begging or when his flat mate talked about him to me. I was with the new guy for two years so he was no rebound.


But that was moving on from a loser to someone who actually treats me well...




I would say most of the time they are on the rebound though but occasionally it does work out for them...

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Also don't think always the case. A friend of mine was in a LTR with someone for years. There was a messy break-up - can't remember who initiated it. Then not long afterwards my friend met someone completely different (in type) and got engaged to him very quickly. They're still married. Yes, she'd loved her ex. Yes, she was in bits over the break-up. But the thing was, the relationship didn't work and then she found someone it just worked with, who wanted to make a commitment, and she went for it. After something unstable and difficult, it can sharpen your sense of what you want.

On the other hand, yes, of course, people do rush into new relationships after something ends, and sometimes it's for all the wrong reasons.

FB 'broadcasting'? Well, I guess some people just put whatever is going on in their life on FB. It's insensitive but not necessarily done to make you jealous. But maybe if he doesn't normally do that kind of thing, he is trying to 'tell' himself and everyone else something ... The point is, you can't know. Time will tell how 'real' his new relationship is and best thing is to try really hard not to let it bother you. Focus on you and your life.

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In this case, after what you've described, yes. It sounds like a rebound. He also sounds like he's 15 years old the way he's acting.

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