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Losing interest...good thing? Or not so good thing?

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So My guy friend and I are so on again off again, tried the NC thing, and I caved. Now we have been in contact for the last two weeks. We've seen each other at least twice a week ( due to our children and distance) but I've recently noticed; the more I back off, and the less interested I seem, he comes around. Problem is, after two years of the back and forth, I'm just tired of the chase, and I think I'm losing interest. Or is it just that I am comfortable knowing that the ball is semi in my court now? He's been making an effort to see me, sad that I didn't go to his house last night, calls me several times through out the day, even holds my hand ( which he hasn't done in a while). Is he really trying, or just worried that I am now pulling away?! Suggestions please?

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It's a dance. We all do it, but some more than others. For every step back, the attached partner will take a step forward. For every step forward, a corresponding step back. It has less to do with you, him, trying, not trying and more to do with 'this seems to be how it works, quite often'.


It's just a pattern now. Whether you choose to continue the pattern or not... that's up to you.

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I think you have to focus on your feelings first and foremost. How are you feeling ? Try and block out any confusion about his feelings and place priority in keeping in touch with yourself


Could it be that you are reaching (finally) indifference towards him ? If this is the case then don't feel guilty. I think after two years you have the full right to take and live your freedom fully........ personally I would love to be at this stage.


You share children so I imagine you care about his well-being for your kids sake, this is normal . But you have your own heart to take care of and maybe there's a partner out there for you where you won't have to question your own interest or how much energy it drains from you.

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