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After one month NC, he emailed me this morning

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well today has been 1 month since i changed my number and had no contact at all since. I woke up this morning to 2 emails, looks like he just sent them an hour ago.


One says "I hope you are well"


The other says "The only reason I dated again because I thought you were gone. I heard you have a new boyfriend."


I had broken up with him because he had been acting distant and I couldn't put up with it anymore. So i had broken up with him 3 mths ago but it was like we were still going out because he still called me and everything. I finally couldnt do it and i said "if you dont change then i cant do this anymore" but he still called me and told me he loved me but was dating some new girl too.


that killed me that he couldnt just be better to me, instead he got a new girl. so i changed my number and havent called at ALL and its been 1 month TODAY and i got these emails.


Do i respond ? maybe wait a few days and then just say that im well etc. someone tell me what to say. Yes i am dating again, i actually have a date tonight.

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Hey there :)


I would respond, probably in a couple of days, and just say a quick how are things, things are fine here, etc. I wouldn't bring up any of your old relationship or that you have a boyfriend, etc. If he brings up your relationship with him again, especially after you were quite clear in telling him what you needed, then you can always say "We can talk, but you are not that part of my life anymore. I've told you want I wanted and needed, and you could not give it to me." Something short but to the point, it sounds like he's playing games or is too conufsed himself to know what to do. I wouldn't waste too much time/thought on him, sounds like you've got a healthier life without him now...I hope this helps (?) - and have a great time tonight :D




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  • 2 weeks later...

Well it depends. Do you want to try and reconcile with him or would you prefer to let things continue to as they are and not have a relationship with him again? If you don't then I would just send a nice hello saying you're doing well and talk about general life events and tell him to take care. Don't make any comment about talking to him again. Don't be rude but just be a little nonchalant so he knows that you have moved on and this part of your lives has ended.


If you want to reconcile with him email him and be honest with what you're feeling.

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Will you read my post titled;

Feeling of insecurity, are they warranted? and tell me what your thoughts are?

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