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Stuck in Limbo

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Hey loveshack,


To sum up... About a week and a bit ago me and my ex saw each other for possibly the last time and we shared a few moments together.and she admitted she missed me and how she has been having family problems and had to leave home and stay at her friends place because of it. She said she was even thinking of moving out. Fast forward to the situation now: I ended up sending her a letter saying how the past few months without her have been really hard even though we saw each other every week due to our sporting commitments. I told her i was willing to give it one last try with her and it was my last attempt at working things out. We broke up end of February after 3 months because she said it would not work out between us because of the diff. in religion and how her family would not accept that. I am 22, she is 21. I am orthodox she is muslim but we speak the same language the only problem is the religion aspect. I told her I was willing to fight for us one last time even with everything else in the way and I told her I would do what I could to make it work. I sent her this and basically poured it all out there for her one last time. Because I realized i was truly still in love with her. She eventually responded and told me she had to remove me from fb...because her mom has her password and her parents are controlling her social media now and she has no privacy and it would be best to not contact her until she does. I asked her what does this mean to what I sent her..she told me she would contact me when she could and when she is alone and has privacy. I told her I wanted to talk to her in person and to work on things. she told me she was leaving on vacation and it would have to wait till shes back or when uni starts up again in the fall.


Its been about 13 days now since I sent the letter and got the " I will contact you when I can..and when I have privacy and when I am alone."


I don't understand how long she expects me to wait? Even if her parents are controlling her phone and stuff I still see activity of hers on social media platforms. She texted me fine that night telling me that she will contact me when she can...i told her to give me a straight up yes or no answer..and she never replied to that. She was on vacation with her family for a week and is back home again. Its been two days and still nothing on her end from her.


I understand she might not be in the best situation now with her family and everything but I don't understand why this is taking this long? If it was a no she would have said something already because she had no problems telling me before she couldn't. What makes this situation any different? Why not tell me her answer right away? What am I suppose to do now? just wait?? Like i don't understand how she can't see it from my perspective either? How can she just expect me to wait in limbo? I have been patient its been almost 2 weeks now..I don't understand.


Any advice is needed and as to why she would wait this long and still not give me a straight up answer.

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