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Does Karma exist after a break-up?

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Lovely loveshack readers and posters I have a question for you all.


Sometime people go through a difficult break up when one person treated the other person in a bad way at the point of break up such as; disappearing act, giving up on them too quickly,cheating, GIGS etc.


Does karma exist where the person who did the damage get what they deserve in the future?


for example, someone who cheated on their wife is likely to get cheated on by there future partner.


Im curious to what your perspective on this?



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My ex cheated on me and hasn't paid the price(as far as I know). Unfortunately, the world is not fair like that. Some evil or bad people can get by, with what they've done. The world is not black and white, like this.


When someone passes you off, driving, flips you off...do they pay? One could infer yes or no. He will go his merry way, probably do many others in similar fashion. Then arrive at his destination without thought or care. No law caught him. No one ran him down. No problem.


On the other hand; the law catches him (if not one day), he paid his dues. Someone runs him off the road, and beats him up, he paid the price.


My point is simple: sometimes people answer justice concerning their deeds, sometimes they do not. Sometimes it catches them down the road; sometimes when they die.


Just because someone cheated on me or you or anyone else...doesn't mean they will keep cheating or be cheated on by someone they love; this is a sad truth about the world. The sad truth about justice. Karma, and justice, are the same avenue...all meant to bring a fitting punishment to an offender.


But...justice is not perfect, nor is Karma.

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In short, no.


They can cheat and bitch and treat you like crap but end up been happy with the love of their life whilst you're still alone.


But if it makes you feel better, yes, karma will kick their butt.

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If you want to understand Karma, just do an advanced search in LS. Keyword Karma, username Taramaiden. In the meantime here is an extract from the first lady of Loveshack


'Karma' is what he's DOING.


Karma is what everybody does.


Karma merely means 'Volitional Action' but it's non-retributional, non-judgemental and not critical.


It just - 'is'.


Karma kicks nobody's ass, and is not 'what comes around.


Karma is just what we think, say and do, in active mode.


That's it.

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To answer your question, as a Buddhist myself, yes, karma exists but not in that way.


A person may cheat on you or do terrible things to you but it doesn't mean they will get treated or hurt in the way they did to you. In fact, this person may live the rest of his life happily, married with kids and whatnot.


When his karma ripens, he will then "bear" the fruits of his karma. It may not even be in this lifetime as we believe in rebirth. And he won't receive it in the form of a cheating/failed relationship/marriage, it may be just anything that we don't welcome in our lives, something unpleasant.

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I think you'd feel better if you looked to your own happiness rather than someone else's unhappiness.


People do things that others could be hurt by. Note I said could. You have the ability to control how you feel about this. Maybe you should accept it as a blessing and enjoy what you currently have, or work toward what you'd like to have in the future.

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I don't believe in karma...BUT


I believe in relationship patterns


Chances are he/she will do the same in the next relationship.


And chances are you will pick the same type of person in your next relationship.




Since your the one in so much pain, you can look at this and change your pattern.

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I don't believe in 'karma,' but I believe that happiness is transient. People who hurt other people are happy at certain points in their lives and unhappy at other points. Similarly, people who are hurt by others are unhappy at times and then happy at other times. Nobody ever lives a life of perfect happiness.

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Let's not slice our hairs on the religious implications and understandings of KARMA. There are plenty of writings on the subject from both viewpoints. And I'm not the expert -- TARA will take it from here.


So let's look at it another way: are you asking whether the old cliché applies to relationships of "what goes around comes around"?


The answer is unknown.


However, statistically we know that people who put themselves in certain circumstances have the chance of being affected “in kind” even if the last experience they were more (+) positive rather than (-) negative in their experience.


For example, if we tend to jaywalk on a busy street known for aggressive driving habits we can sometimes cross the street with minimal risk or plenty risk as a pedestrian. The odds exist for catastrophe regardless.


If the jaywalkers are also aggressive drivers and take the same street in their rote, they stand increased odds of having an altercation on the street from both methods. Similar to keeping the “same company” in social circles – people who think or act the same in other words.


The only way to break the odds is to take a different route for driving, change driving habits, walk a different route, or cross the street at the intersection. Until one or more of the elements change, the odds for an experience are higher and quite frankly, likely at some point in time.


Getting back to your EX, if she remains in revolving relationships, in good time she can expect to encounter a person who likewise finds complacency in revolving relationships. When the two of them encounter and one is not ready to move on from the relationship, they will endure the non-pleasure of being dumped.


When such occurs, some might validate it under the cliché “what goes around comes around", however I look at it as statistical probability.



Does all of this make sense to you? Is your EX statistically probable of meeting a person with similar traits to herself. I have no idea – but maybe you do.

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Well. My ex of 2 years cheated on me and left me, I started NC and I didn't see him for about 4 months... then I went on a date for the first time in 5 months since we broke up, and he was on the table next to me, 2 seats away with his friends. He was so close he could hear me on my date. Lol. I think that is self-explanatory as far as karma goes ha. But in all fairness, I do think he'd care but there really is no way I'd ever know, but the chances of that happening were really slim, I would have never imagined that happening.

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I've really enjoyed the explanation with patterns. People will behave they've always did. This is their own punishment. Sometimes, their partner will allow them to be in control and let them get away with it.


Other partners will make them pay the full price, before letting them leave. It should mean nothing to you. It's like caring about how someone else did at an exam. Your results are the only ones that matter. If you let them go without letting them hear everything you had to say, it's your own fault.


Ain't no future partner who'll do to them something you wished you'd have done.


As for people cheating... it's a risk you are always taking when deciding to trust someone. Trust doesn't mean he'll respect you back. It means he has the choice. And he's got his own conscience to respond to. If he's got one, that is a bad karma, to begin with. If he has none, well, you should just go to his house, speak your mind, raise hell and let it be over with. Very important to let the rage out of your system instead of keeping it in and hope your ex partner harm.


Be brave and take what's yours to take. Fight your own battles and never look back. I do my best to do that, otherwise I personally never get peace.


In my book, the best revenge is being happy.


Ever heard of the law of attraction? Obviously, there are coincidences so the fact you met him randomly in a restaurant may mean nothing. But... people do attract like people. What if you thought about him so hard and so much that you've subconsciously attracted this situation? It's a test. Let him go. The response to whether there is a karma or not, is irrelevant. Thinking about him will only keep him inside your head for even longer. As someone said on fb "allowing someone inside your head, is similar to having a tenant in your house, living for free. Make sure he's at least making you happy".

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Karma, in my mind, is more of a "you reap what you sew", kind of thing. It wont be a direct punishment, but it will be something along the lines of them not being happy with themselves, or people disproving of them, etc.

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I believe that what you give, you will receive. I know that I personally was on the receiving end of some nasty stuff.


I treated one of my exes horribly. I was a coward, wound up breaking up with him over the phone (he was an hour and a half away and he pushed me against the wall so I felt I had no choice), I had been emotionally cheating on him, I was done with the relationship and was too scared to end it, I wound up leaving him for the other guy.


Two and a half years later, the guy I left him for... did the exact same thing to me. Dumped me via text, cheated on me, lied to me, left me for another girl.


What you put out, you receive. I believe that.

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Many people have "beliefs' that may or may not come to fruition. People who believe in KARMA would like to believe in cause and effect, but the manner in which that happens is not predictable. I would like to believe that when you treat people well, decently that that is what will happen for you, but the reality is that there are many people in this world that are also taken advantage of b/c of their propensity to give, to be giving.


No one knows is KARMA is real. Only have the belief that it is.


If you believe in an after-life or re-incarnation, perhaps that will make you feel better to believe that the jerk will go to hell or come back as a salamander in another life...


But all in all, you should not waste your energy wishing ill will. If you believe in KARMA, or would like to, OP, your wishing ill-will will influence you in ways that you do not want, right?

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If I understand Taramaidens explaination of karma correctly (from another post) karma is more the effect/result of your action than "what goes around comes around.'


In my view, karma from a breakup, is that he/she has now missed out on being with the most wonderful YOU (the result of the action). That is their loss not yours. They are losing out on the love you had to give and having you in their lives. That is karma


Tara - correct me if I am wrong

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