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Seeing real Love...

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Sometimes I realize what a shell of a relationship I had with my ex.


I see my aunt dealing with cancer and her husband dealing with the worst side of her in strides.


I see boyfriends and girlfriends dealing with fights with understanding and communication.


I see commitment, and love; where I had one sided co-dependence relationship.


I see one partner may have trouble controlling other impulses or simply not show much interest in the partnership. Then the other partner -- who is the codependent one -- goes all-out to try to "fix" the problem.


I see a relationship where only one of you is ever asking to get together or making moves toward the other one.


I see me placing a lower priority on my own needs, while being excessively preoccupied with the needs of others.


I see narcissists, with their ability to "get others to buy into their vision and help them make it a reality," are natural magnets for the "'co-dependent"


I see behaviour who is especially 'independent' exerts an especially fascinating effect on all ... dependent persons ... [who] struggle to participate in the 'omnipotent' narcissist's power.

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