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Should I stop texting/hanging out with my EX?

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Hello everyone, I would like some advice my ex bf(20) and I(23) broke almost 6 months ago after 8 months of relationship, we were even living together.. his reasons were he thinks he's too young for settling up already, he wants to discover himself, do things carefree, travel etc etc he also admited he's afraid of commitment, it hurt a lot cause I think I'm more mature and was ready to settle down with him, we met each others family and I can say he was crazy about me in the beginning of the relationship. now analyzing the past I might have acted a bit clingy and needy prob cause I have no family in this country so the only person there for me all the time was him. Well after the break up he said he wants to be friends and maybe things could work out in the future years from now.. we've been contacting each other all this time but actually he is the one who initiates it first as I don't want him to think I'm dying over him.. we hang out once a week and I'm still hoping he would change his mind cause I love him. He sometimes acts hot n cold, when we see each other he would kiss me lips to lips, hug me and act sweet I also must confess weve been having sex too when we are together we just cannot help it I feel so strongly atracted to him.. my question is am I doing it all wrong? if I want to get him back should I step back and stop hanging out with him or keep things the same. I'm afraid of what if he starts seeing someone else I'm gonna feel terrible even though that is a possibility.. he's been acting very cold the past two weeks and idk what's up with him.. when we see each other he is sweet and loving but then he just acts like I don't exist no talking to me for days.. I've thought about NC but idk if it is gonna work since he's the kind of person (if you do that to me I would do the same to you) Sometimes I think I just want to disappear.. travel discover the world forget about him.. but its so difficult at the same time. I feel lost in this situation. I would like some tips and advice thanks beforehand.

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It sounds like you do have him back already: you're in regular contact, you meet up, you kiss and have sex. All that seems to have changed, as far as I can see, is you don't live together and you maybe don't hang out as often as you used to.


My advice would be, if you're enjoying what you're doing, keep doing it; and use some of your spare time and energy to develop other interests such as hobbies, yoga, sport, socialising. Most strong, stable relationships involve two people who have their own things going on at the same time. The secret to your success and happiness will be to foster your own social, professional and personal life in addition to your love life.

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In my point view, you are doing wrong but you must ask him once that he wants to be with you or not. If his answer is yes then OK and if no then you can stay with him as a friend but you also look for your future and forget your past...

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