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how to handle my ex...

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my ex and i were together for 2.5 years and living together for the last nine months of our relationship. Our relationship has been rough due to alot of outside stresses, but we always seemed to pull through and come out better. The couple months before he broke up with me, i was going through something, a depression or something, and wasnt happy with anyone or anywhere and took it all out on him without even telling him what was going on. This seemed to push him away and he says that he needs time and space to figure out what he wants. Also, he says that if i hadnt gotten psycho, this would have happened anyway because he was in a 10 year relationship before meeting me and jumped into our relationship without taking any time off. He says that he doesnt want a relationship with anyone right now because he needs to know that he can handle life on his own. He says that he doesnt think he is in love with me anymore, but he does love me and misses me and possibly sees a future for us when he is ready for a relationship. He says i shouldnt wait though because he cant promise anything since we dont know what the future holds and since he doesnt know how long it will take. In the meantime, he wants to remain friends...not one on one hang out friends, but hanging out in groups and texting friends. I dont know if this is a good idea or not because i question if he will ever truely miss me if im still around :( on the other hand, i know he is unhappy right now and i dont want him going through this alone. I think i should also mention that i work with him so i see him a couple times a week anyway. I just want some advice on what people think i should do :( i know "no contact" is usually the route that is suggested, but since he maybe sees a future, im scared that will just push him farther away..but i also dont wanna be in the friend zone...HELP!!!

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