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cohabitiaon agreement

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Living with guy promising he'd take care of me the rest of our lives. Had me sign cohabitation agreement 1 1/2 years ago.At his insistence I moved into his large home where my household furnishings (everything) was not needed. He gave away most things & sold a couple. I was working 2 shifts for his club, & full time at my work, but he does not want me in his business, now. He had me go to part time where I lost ,my insurance for myself & child, then completely quit work. He said he would pay my monthly bills about $1100.00/mo. He's done that 2 months, then today served me with an eviction notice. He's offered me $8000.00 to completely refurnish ALL my household goods, get insurance, apartment, etc. This will not eve bring me up to the condition I was living in prior to knowing him.


I'm not asking for anything more, I just believe I shouldn't't't be behind!

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As I stated in your other post, worded slightly differently, that this was a pretty bizarre situation. I can understand you are upset but you need to get a lawyer. All of this will depend on the legality of written and verbal contracts.


Since you didn't mention him in terms of a love interest...just a "guy"....and you had no romantic involvement, then this arrangement could be construed as prostitution...or paying you monthly as a live-in for that service, if it was provided.


If this was a romantic involvement, written documents will be important. However, he will argue that he is paying you the depreciated value of the things you let go to be with him.


A judge would laugh you out of court if you seek to enforce his promise to take care of you for the rest of your life. Contracts aren't written that way usually (there is an out) and oral contracts to do anything for more than one year are not enforceable in most jurisdictions around the world.


You got had. I'd say you are extremely lucky that he is willing to pay you the money he is now promising. See if you can sweet talk him up a bit. A judge may give you less than this guy is willing to give you now.


See an attorney immediately.

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