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Living in the past with the pain of the present...Every season that passes I miss my ex so much..It hurts, i cant even describe it...Like there will be certain moments such as when its afternoon and the sun is setting....*pain* He used to come pick me up from my house...yes, my whole life revolved aorund him cause he was the one i saw 24/7 for all this time...I know that's a very bad thing but I'm not moving on..I'm suffering and always hurting...I have to study and be focused but I feel like my heart has been ripped apart...I literally live with this hole in my chest all the time because he's not here...I'm hurting :( I just don't know how to leave everything in the past...I just cant...Im depressed...I dont know how to let go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant seem to even want to move on with someone else (not that there is a chance anyway) but regardless...I MISS HIM SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! i have been going through this for way too long now but its not changing...time doesnt heal nothing :(

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I am sorry for your pain. If it's really been a long time, and you truly arent progressing, maybe it's time to seek help and perhaps get on an anti-depressant?

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