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  2. Gaeta

    Why do people do this?

    OP: I am with you on this. I am far from being a prude and I did have sex pretty early at times when I was dating but I would NEVER entertain someone with those details on a first date or a 10th date. Like they say: you will kiss a lot of frogs before you meet your lady. Finding our someone can be a challenge but when you'll meet her, because you will, she will have been worth the trouble.
  3. Sony12

    Why do people do this?

    As I have said in the past the sooner people begin talking about sex with you generally means the sooner they will be interested in having sex with you if you excite them.
  4. happyhorizons

    Is my married boss crossing lines?

    OP, you GOT THIS. You cannot allow him to essence control the narrative. Remember HE is in the wrong not you. Be professional but make it know you there to work and anything that is outside of that is not OK. There is simply NO business that would be OK with a person in authority doing what he’s done (the legal system does look kindly on that type of behavior especially towards ladies)
  5. Alpacalia

    Why do people do this?

    Except OP and these woman aren't talking sexual with each other.... They're talking about having sex with other men. If that turns you on, great. For the OP, it doesn't.
  6. happyhorizons

    Fitness Journey

    Fox is right that being active will go a long way in helping you get the results you desire.
  7. Sony12

    Why do people do this?

    Probably one of the most outgoing and conversational ladies I ever met off the apps was someone that I was in bed with probably about ten minutes after we met for the first time. People use these apps for all different types of reasons and sex and naughty talk is often one of them. If people aren't into having sex right away and don't find dirty talk appealing they need to find like minded individuals to go on dates with. Simple as that.
  8. FredEire


    Are you happy with your general life apart from dating? Is there any scope to change grow and have new experiences? Not love because I've learned in adult life that love is something a lot deeper and more complicated than that butterfly feeling you get sometimes when you initially meet someone. Unrequited infatuation, which in the grand scheme of things isn't that meaningful until it develops into something more solid.
  9. Today
  10. BaileyB

    Will he leave for good this time?

    To me, this is a family in crisis… something that should not be dismissed or minimized. Also not easily healed or resolved. As I said above, this is the kind of stuff that destroys relationships and forever changes a person and a family.
  11. FredEire

    Why do people do this?

    Yeah it all comes down to the intention behind it. Sometimes it's hard to distinguish that kind of thing from mental issues and red flags. I went on a date recently where I met the girl and she almost immediately launched into talking about her terrible period cramps. I thought it was a bit TMI but it was clearly just that she was nervous so I found it cute more than anything. That's opposed to someone who might use that time of the month to justify plain rude/shitty behaviour. So similarly if on your date the girl just blurts out that she slept with some guy last week without meanin
  12. Alpacalia

    Communal Living and Casual Hookups

    I'm not sure if this is the right section or not (mods if it isn't, please move it). I was having a conversation with a female friend the other day that I used to live with back when I had roommates. Well, she was casually hooking up with men while we were room-mating together. She asked me once, if she could have sex in our garage late at night because she didn't feel comfortable doing it in her room in case they were loud. That she would put a sock on the door or something so I would know not to go into the garage. I told her, since that was a communal space, I preferred she d
  13. ZA Dater


    Sitting at home working, going to work, going to the odd social event I arrange. There is no real scope to meet anyone in that life and maybe its better that way. All I want to try do now is build some sort of friendship with the person I do like and that gets me 20% of what I want which is better than 0%. Truthfully I have no real motivation to date, this last chance idea was a complete nonsense story right from the start, maybe it would not have been had to actually acted on what were quite obvious hints in retrospect one evening but no confidence prevented that so. You actually summed
  14. Sony12

    I'm having an affair but how does it end

    OP you say you have been married for twenty years yet your age range says you are in the 25-34 age range. That doesn't add up unless you got married when you were still likely living under your parents roof? Are you older than your age range says or are their parts of this story and your online persona that you aren't being honest about?
  15. ZA Dater


    All good and well but they are not going to pick an ugly over an attractive one irrespective if one had all the above you talk about.
  16. Alpacalia

    Does he want more than just sex?

    Good for you! You're100% right. Better to wait for someone until they're truly ready to be in a relationship with you than to get hurt because they were still involved and entangled with someone else. Best to wait until he has firmly put his ex in the past before you agree to blooming anything new with him if he were to approach you. Stay strong and stand your ground! Let's see what pans out for you in the future when he's actually available for you. Good luck!
  17. Alpacalia

    Why do people do this?

    Sometimes it’s hard to stop talking when you’re nervous. I recently had to do a presentation as a team lead for a class and my professor told me that I talked too fast. So, maybe these women are a bit nervous or they feel comfort talking to you and it starts to come out like a river? I guess what I am saying is that maybe they assume that vulnerable means being transparent with intimate things and desires from the very beginning. Whereas maybe they are misinterpreting the idea of being vulnerable and they don't quite realize the importance of forming a trusting bond first. Or that, n
  18. Were there any recent difficulties before the dream? Certainly the inability to move between dream and conscious states can stem from unresolved issues, and can occur unexpectedly. But I never fault my dreams; instead, I acknowledge their symbolic significance and endeavor to heed their message without letting them impact my relationships. I had a dream once (years ago) that my mother was decapitated by a train. It left me in such a horrible state for the remainder of the day, I admitted to that "feeling of tragedy" being a deeper worry of losing her and it hit me like a bullet. It a
  19. I used to be in a love triangle with my current bf and another girl. For years finally he stopped seeing her and we’ve been living together for 2 years. he has a lot and I mean a lot of history with her and they never had closure. They had a toxic relationship and his family hates her. Sometimes I feel he is not with her just because of his family. he told me recently a few days ago they talked on tik tok messenger (he blocked her everywhere else) and apologized to each other for the past and that he didn’t want her to hold a grudge towards him anymore. He wanted her to stop doing vengef
  20. ExpatInItaly

    I'm having an affair but how does it end

    Firstly, it is absolutely an affair. It is not "intense friendship." You are both blatantly cheating on your spouses, but I can see where you are trying to emotionally distance yourself form the notion that you both being unfaithful. When one of you gets caught. Or, when he starts to feel guilty and distances himself from you. It's not going to end well, in any case.
  21. I think you are both making a mountain out of a mole-hill. She had a bad dream, and slept badly as a result. So it follows that she didn't have the best morning. I don't see where you are in the dog house, beyond her not feeling like lingering in bed. Don't overthink this one. You are interpreting this as some deep rupture to the relationship when all it was is a slightly off morning. Why panic? It will blow over and shouldn't require some profound analysis or discussion, unless there are other issues at play that you two are dancing around. Are there?
  22. I’m having what people would most likely refer to as an affair, this isn’t something we have labeled it. It feels a lot like intense friendship to a level or care and affection. I’ve been married 20 and he’s been married 24, we both have children and wholeheartedly say we love our partners. We have known each other since childhood and always been extremely close. We lost touch over the initial few years of our marriages but got in contact again a few years later. It was all platonic, congratulating on becoming parents ect ect. 2020 things switched a little, we began talking of
  23. lamhaocc

    Age compatibility

    When determining love and moving forward towards marriage. Are you concerned about age and age compatibility between the two of you?
  24. FredEire

    Does he want more than just sex?

    Seems about right, maybe a little bit long in my opinion. You just want to tell him that you like him and want something serious but you're not comfortable with the situation as it is, I don't blame you. FWIW you're far from alone in being frustrated about not just wanting something easy, I think it's a very common experience. I'm currently seeing a girl who's very nice and would probably be great for me, but the last girl I got really excited about turned out to be very moody and volatile and the whole thing ended horribly when she stormed out of a date unceremoniously. It's very frustra
  25. FredEire


    Yep. The last few posts almost read like he's giving his own eulogy. The reality is OP you've just turned 40, life expectancy in most countries is around 80. All going well you've still got half your life to live. I don't think it's a bad idea however just to forget about dating completely for a while and focus on improving your life. There's actually a higher chance something will come along organically that way.
  26. Acacia98

    Why do people do this?

    Aren't you being too much on the defensive, OP? You're not on trial. Sony12 just pointed out that, from the perspective of these women, you might seem boring. And that's a good point, because it's a reminder that there are no absolutes in dating. Everyone comes to the table with their perspective and ideals and preferences. There's nothing wrong with you saying, "This person is not for me." And there's nothing wrong with someone else saying the same about you. These women are obviously not your type. But they may be exactly what somebody else is looking for. Fortunately for you, their act
  27. ExpatInItaly

    Need to get this off my chest

    Terrible ideas, both of them. Do not do this. This person does not get the luxury of your "friendship" right now. It's completely unrealistic to expect you to be besties, or even just friends, right after a break-up. You need time to heal away from your ex. The daily phone calls need to stop. Plans to meet up need to be canceled. And silly ideas about going on holidays need to be garbaged. Because your ex had already emotionally let go of the relaitonship by the time they found the courage to break up with you. That's why it seems easy for them. They're past the grieving stage,
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