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  1. Past hour
  2. FMW

    Personal question

    A mix of both, depending on our moods.
  3. FMW

    Is this rude?

    Most of the time I go along to get along in situations like this and usually don't think these things are a big deal. But my work is extremely busy and stressful right now, so I'm feeling selfish about my precious free time. Maybe I'll feel more accommodating by Saturday.
  4. basil67

    Personal question

    I enjoy doing both. Nights in are lovely, but it's also great to get out of the house.
  5. cooljack23

    hold hands in public

    How do you feel when we hold hands in public if in a relationship the right time and the wrong time?
  6. cooljack23

    Personal question

    Do you prefer a night in or going out on weekends with your boyfriend if you have one
  7. basil67

    do I support him as a friend or walk away from this?

    I understand your concern about not being able to support him, but given he's pushing you away, it doesn't sound like he wants your support. Is he taking proactive steps with his mental health, such as seeing a psychiatrist and a psychologist?
  8. Yesterday
  9. dahliasanddaisies

    do I support him as a friend or walk away from this?

    No, he moved out of his last place and took on work in several different cities. I think he's struggling with his mental health, and he's had some down time at his mum's. He got turned down to do a PhD which has knocked his confidence, but he doesn't seem to be getting back up and fighting back at the moment.
  10. dahliasanddaisies

    do I support him as a friend or walk away from this?

    He is currently working between 4 different places and moved out of his last place. He's not sure where he's going to settle yet. He'd completed his masters and got turned down for a PhD, is working in the field he's trained in but has been struggling with his mental health and as his job is self employed, has been struggling to work consistently. He's been on a bit of a spiral I think. Thank you for your words, I'm very appreciative of you taking the time to reply and for your kind support. This community has been invaluable to me and the advice helps greatly. I live on my own and d
  11. Leihla_B

    What do I do?

    I agree with the good folks above. I don't see where all this shame comes from, unless your wife is manipulating you into it. She was well aware of your camera placement, she didn't object to it until she did, in which case you stopped, and you respected her request to stop the physical touch, which, between a married couple, sounds natural to me. I'm sorry that your wife is using shame to suppress your objections to her disloyal behavior, and I think you're being sold a bill of bunk. I hope you'll step up for yourself and seek some legal advice so you can operate on real information rath
  12. Then maybe you can have an honest, open conversation with him about those financial matters. Tell him that his appropriation of a part of your rent money makes you feel uncomfortable. Tell him that the rigid 50/50 deal isn’t entirely fair as he earns much more than you do. Tell him that he needs to learn to trust you more and let go of his past if he wants this relationship to succeed.
  13. 2ndTryHusband

    What do I do?

    Yes, we did live together for nearly a year before I proposed.
  14. Leihla_B

    recently discovered lies

    Saying so much with so little is a talent for the truth.
  15. Gebidozo

    What do I do?

    Apparently, sometimes 2 years isn’t enough. Did you live together before you got married? She is doing something that many people would view as outright cheating (having virtual sex with strangers). You’ve done nothing wrong and for some reason are blaming yourself for something completely normal (groping your wife and letting go when she didn’t like it). It almost looks like she is emotionally abusing you. I’ll just say bluntly that, if she refuses to do therapy and starts changing now and for real, divorcing her might not be such a bad thing.
  16. S2B

    Seriously Confused

    Either way this turns out you risk your job. see a trained counselor. You need help deciphering what’s obsessive about your thoughts and what’s real. either way - proper order is key. Any person should be already divorced if you may consider seeing them. Otherwise - you are just purposely complicating things for so many people. not to mention the job complications. thats why you need professional help first.
  17. Leihla_B

    Seriously Confused

    Not accurate. You do not 'need' to know anything personal about your supervisor. You've created a distraction from your marriage, and you're turning it into a false sense of urgency that risks your job and possibly your reputation unless you drop it. Quit allowing fantasies to squelch reasonable judgment, and start operating in your best interests beyond sabotaging both your career and your marriage. Learn whether your job offers an EAP, Employee Assistance Program, where you are offered up to 3 free confidential sessions with a counselor outside your work site. Choose a provider from the
  18. NuevoYorko

    do I support him as a friend or walk away from this?

    So he's homeless because he prefers it that way?
  19. 2ndTryHusband

    What do I do?

    We dated for 2 years before I proposed. I took my time because I didn’t want to rush into it because of how quickly I rushed into my first marriage and how badly that ended.
  20. Gaeta


    He does not cheat because it's new. Give it a bit of time.
  21. Gaeta

    What do I do?

    You touched your wife, she said no, you stopped. I don't understand what is bad about that. Normal couples touch, tease, play. The important part is if your partner says 'no' you stop. How long have you dated before marrying? You've been married 2 years with a 1 year old baby. That means she got pregnant right away.
  22. Leihla_B

    Ghosted after 3rd date

    The right person for you will view you through the right lens. He'll be interested in getting to know you beyond how quickly you're willing to have sex with him. Keep dating on neutral ground unless and until you trust him and feel ready to be sexual with him. The right man for you will be okay with that. All others will screen themselves out early, which is a favor to you rather than an insult. You're only looking for the RIGHT man, correct? (If so, what would be worth trying to preserve with the wrong ones?)
  23. BaileyB

    What do I do?

    This so different than what married people do to each other every single day how? Because in my house, there is a lot of touching. It’s playful. It something leads to other things. And sometimes, it’s just fun. I’m not sure why she would be offended or why you would be so self critical. I will be very blunt - I what would you really be losing? Your wife is having virtual sex with strangers and she is refusing to have sex with you. She is hiding in the bathroom for two hours every night while you are caring for your child. I applaud you for showing up, you sound like a good person,
  24. Gaeta


    How about getting to work and start going on dates? Make a profile on a christian dating app, you will meet women with same conservative views.
  25. Leihla_B

    Running into my ex

    All adults being equal, he's a grown man. If he wants to destroy his own life carrying a chip around, then that's his monkey, his circus. CongrAts on your marriage and baby!
  26. Leihla_B


    Be careful of 'shoulds'. What would be the advantage of a crush? They often turn people into anxiety-ridden fools who can't function around the person. Even worse, some people torture themselves so badly that they mistake this as some woeful condition that can only be healed if they 'confess' their feelings to the person. Needless to say, that's overkill and usually turns out badly. Don't go there. Keep your head, enjoy your interactions, and get to know one another in small doses over time. If this evolves into wanting to ask her out for a walk, a coffee, or a date, then go ahead an
  27. DanielKla1984


    I was on other online forums and I am strongly discouraged by other people's opinions. They got tired of saying that what I want is impossible and I will fail. I know they are only opinions but I see the clouds becoming darker and darker. But I embrace my values and desires.
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