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  1. Past hour
  2. Whaatamidoing

    OW to nothing to reliving it all

    Thanks for the comments. To be clear, I completely take responsibility for my part in what was. I have spent and continue to spend a long time in therapy for that and trying to grow some confidence and understanding to stop history repeating itself. My lack of self respect being a huge factor as to why I was present in this for so long. What I will say for those of you who dont seem to believe in manipulation, there are certain personality types who do falsley disguise themselves to be someone who appears to be your perfect match, your soul mate, in order to manoeuvre you into an isolate
  3. Today
  4. Of course it's OK to help an attractive woman if the intent is all innocent, but OP's post gives the impression that his conversation can be a bit suggestive, so we can all read into that what we will .
  5. Dull Tool

    Who should I try to date?

    Let's not forget that what's illegal and what's allowed are two different things. With my bad social skills, and desire to date women way out of my league, I can easily see a scene being created. I'd have to be armed, have escape routes, and do it in places I never go in order to pursue women. I have seen vigilante justice being done against men who were trying to talk to random women. And there is no amount of care that can be taken to prevent the ire of the public. But none of it matters to me anymore. I'm done trying to please women. I tried so hard to be what they want but
  6. basil67

    Who should I try to date?

    Of course ugly people can ask out attractive people. There's no law against it. But given your list of unattractive behaviours, I can't see that you'd have any luck without intensive therapy and commitment to finding a more positive attitude.
  7. ExpatInItaly

    Who should I try to date?

    Regarding what? You're not making sense here.
  8. Just to be clear, the only "harassment" she has done so far is to call CPS? I'm not sure why you feel so threatened by this. If you have done nothing wrong, CPS will investigate and then decide that you've done nothing wrong. If she keeps crying wolf, that will eventually lead to CPS filing a report against her (if there is proof of malicious intent or outright lying) and dismissing future claims by her. If you don't trust CPS, that's a different story entirely, but if you have a child with someone in a particular jurisdiction, you have basically consented to the CPS of that jurisdiction
  9. Dull Tool

    Who should I try to date?

    I asked if ugly people should ask out pretty people. And if not, why not? The answers I got are "talk to everyone: pretty and ugly," like ugly people like myself, and people realize they have low-value so don't create awkward moments by trying to get with people with high sexual market value. That last point must be the truth. It blows my mind because my sexual attraction is so intense that I nearly fall over myself seeing pretty girls. My libido is overactive due to deprivation imo. As for the other points, I suppose we must agree to disagree. I think you're delusional, but wha
  10. ExpatInItaly

    Who should I try to date?

    What advice do you actually want, OP? You refute everything everyone says, so it seems like you're here to vent or seek affirmation of your views rather than genuinely reflect on what anyone is saying.
  11. basil67

    Who should I try to date?

    If there's no proof, why does the term "grooming" (with respect to an older person and an underage person) exist? Why is carnal knowledge illegal? Why is it illegal for a teacher to have intimate relations with a student? If there was no evidence that a young person can be taken advantage of, why have laws about it?
  12. You two have reached the end of your chapter together. You started dating when you were very young, and you have both grown and changed. It's normal (but painful) that these relationships usually don't last a lifetime. One or both parties outgrow the relationship and it's time to move on. It will take time to process and heal, but when you do, you will likely see that she wasn't meant to be the love of your life. You have evolved into people who want different things, and there is someone else out there for you who will be a better match in the end. I would also not suggest yo
  13. Acacia98

    Who should I try to date?

    It is one of several reasons. And there is plenty of proof of older, more experienced people deliberately seeking out younger, less experienced people to have relationships with precisely because they generally find the younger people they target easy to manipulate and to coerce. If you had more experience with interpersonal relationships, this would probably be readily observable to you.
  14. ExpatInItaly

    Am I making it worse? LDR

    Is he seeing someone else?
  15. Dull Tool

    Who should I try to date?

    I don't know why people dislike old people who partner with young people, but I know the reason you provided is not the true reason. There's no proof mature people corrupt young people. If people actually believe that... then I really fault their general critical thinking. I read, and believe, people form their opinions based on their emotions, and only afterwards attempt to justify those opinions with logic.
  16. Did you happen to read the OP about all the long minutes of intense staring, commentary about her exceptionally slim waist, and the "smirking" over strong bleach resulting in future holes in her dresses?
  17. BaileyB

    Am I making it worse? LDR

    Personally, I would end it and give him time to think about it. If he wants to continue with the relationship, you will consider that if you are still single and he is ready to commit to the relationship. This whole - I just don’t know but I don’t want to end it - isn’t going to work for you long term. Frankly, you deserve more than then he is offering right now but the only person who can decide that is you.
  18. basil67

    Who should I try to date?

    But you've already said that you have no idea why they get upset. How can you say that others are wrong if you can't explain it yourself?
  19. NuevoYorko

    Exceedingly Angry Ex doing really bad things

    I believe that the OP also is on his 3rd failed marriage. Does Bill Burr have any words of wisdom about that?
  20. So, it's NOT OK to help an attractive lady? Maybe, the man genuinely want to help the OP and enjoys her company for NON-romantic reasons.
  21. Dull Tool

    Who should I try to date?

    I think what you said is not the reason people are upset by it. Because that excuse makes no logical sense.
  22. basil67

    Who should I try to date?

    You commented about others being bothered by this, so I explained the reason to you. How you feel about their concerns is irrelevant
  23. Dull Tool

    Who should I try to date?

    I think I've given up on ever getting a girlfriend or having sex. Maybe right before I die, but... well, it's over. Whatever it is women want, I don't have it. Thanks for the advice on not being about to rationalize people. It drives me crazy that so many hallowed beliefs are made via emotion rather than logic, and then I look like a monster when I don't understand or respect them. I'm trying to accept that I will always be at opposition with the majority, and I will be demonized for that. Thanks for the answer. I'm a nihilist, so I don't really believe in human beings or any
  24. Ami1uwant

    Did she want to sleep with me?

    Counselors have ethical standards where you don’t sleep with a client. That is before factoring in school counselors with under 18 yr olds
  25. What’s happening to you has happened to pretty much everyone who’s ever been in a romantic relationship. When people get together at such a young age the chances of staying together forever are pretty slim. And the chances of staying together forever and being happy are even much slimmer. You should let her go. She didn’t change her mind fast, she grew out of love, and probably also couldn’t get over you having broken up with her before. Whatever her reasons are, she doesn’t want to be with you anymore, she’s gone. You have to accept that this relationship is over. Try not to contact her,
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