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Another way of searching.

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I know this has come up before and I do sort of know what to expect but there are some proviso's to this post and they are as follows



1: I am pretty good with long distance friends

2: I like hearing other peoples ideas and learning about them via the written word.

3: A large part of me likes chasing the near impossible.



With this in mind I am actually going to expand my search a little to other parts of the world, sure its a stupidly impractical idea but when gauged against the above three proviso's it does sort of make sense if you look at it very broadly ;).



I also think cultural differences are interesting and I am loath to admit this but someone from somewhere other than here is quite appealing from that perspective and EVERYTIME I have met a tourist I have found the interaction was better than it was with a local.



Sure this isn't the most conventional idea, it isn't the smartest idea and in some respects it might be a regressive idea in terms of what I am trying to accomplish. I just think people reach a point where you simply just want interesting people and how you communicate and how you find them becomes largely irrelevant.



Unlike some here I am unlikely to board a plane tomorrow for some eastern country to meet some person I don't know but I will say the idea is not without some appeal. The point I am really making here is perhaps some people struggle because the area they are in consists of people all pretty much the same culturally speaking.



It just seems to me that searching can be such a soul destroying activity, that one has little to loose pursuing ideas such as this.

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normal person

With this in mind I am actually going to expand my search a little to other parts of the world, sure its a stupidly impractical idea but when gauged against the above three proviso's it does sort of make sense if you look at it very broadly ;).


While it may make sense for you, keep in mind it takes two to tango. I've talked to (and met) women from far away places. Eventually, something has to happen for anything resembling a relationship to develop. I've FaceTimed with some women who live in different states, countries, etc. They're perfectly nice, but it's hard to say they're nice enough to justify going to see, then figure out how to make a relationship work, etc. Odds are, one or both of you will get bored or impatient, and then move on.


I was thinking about moving to a new city a few months ago. I did some searching on OLD for women in the area just to see who was out there and someone pretty perfect caught my eye and I "favorited" her. She messaged me, we FaceTimed a bit, and I went down to visit her. I had a nice time. We kept talking, I went down there more, but things started dying out as soon as she started to realize that I wouldn't be moving there imminently, and understandably she didn't want to get too emotionally invested until I did. And it's hard to build a relationship and move to a new city with someone else in mind if that person doesn't want to get too emotionally invested in you before you move.


These sorts of relationships, like any other, have their own unique set of complications.

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