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The Many Roads to Romantic Attraction

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For Heterosexual Relationships in a romantic context here are the road ways as I see them.


Man sparks a woman into a relationship and keeps her based on high desire for his looks and their tempermeant.


Woman sparks a man into a relationship with her based on his higher desire towards her looks.


Mutual Spark between a Man and Woman when they meet based on the physical/Tempermeant/common ground.


Men are very weak when it comes to a pretty face. So the better a woman looks to a guy. The more she has a shot with him. Women on the other hand to me seem to want a guy that is stable and family orientated. So if you are a guy and you don't want kids. 80 % of the time you are out.


The men that chases after a woman are the ones that are the most frustrated. The men that let the women come after them, usually have the better relationship.


For me. When I look at all the women I went for vs the ones that came to me. I had a way better time with the ones that were into me. More than I had a great time with the women that I went for.


So I cam to a conclusion that its just a matter of time untill a woman digs me romantcally that going after this woman or that woman is not servicing me in anyway. I guess # 19 may dig me, but I would be burnt out by the time that happens.


I say just looking at it from a guys perspective. When a woman is attracted to you romantically. She is just in your space.


There really is no convincing someone to feel something. Its there or its not.

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