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Divergent Friendships

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I have two friends with the same situation. One I feel is murky. The other one is reasonable.


SD quit his job in 2010. He went back to school and wants to be a Social Worker.


CI is a Nurse. Has a wife and daughter/He took a Leave of Abcence to get more Education in his field.


Both are Males and I have know both since 2003.


Here is the difference. For the sake of argument. The most I could see both of them including talking on the phone would be 3 or 4 times a year. Spaced out by 3 to 4 months.


Lets say from 2012 with SD. I saw him 3 times. Feb 2012 in person/Early July/Late August and one phone call in Nov 2012 which was not returned. I called him in 2013. He then sends me an operatic E-mail stating that he has not time to hang out because of school Not time for Rock Concert and Movies. Yet that is not our dynamic. I don't do any type of Rock/Concerts or Movies/Watch TV. All we do is talk. There was no problem in year 1 or 2. At the most I could see him would be 3 times a year. Not 12.



CI only went back to School in 2015 and basically told me when we get together. I should shoot him some dates or vice versa so we can plan to get together. So thats working out to twice a year or so.


So who has the bigger problem with me. SD still sees his other friends. So its not like they are all blocked from him. I only get a B-day wish from him once a year. He has yet to call me since she sent me the Jan 2013 E-mail. The last three times we got together. There was no issue. I picked him up and we drove around twice and the last time was just walking around his area of town talking in the late afternoon.


I wonder why people get so strange after ahwhile. Esspecially when your not in each others social pocket 90% of the time. I do have other friends. This has been resparked by the fact that he got together with my mutual friend KM and it seemed like KM sort of lied to me saying what he did for New Years.


Any thoughts are appreciated. Once again. I can't see anything I have done to SD. Most I would do anything would be separated by 4 to 5 months at most.

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