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Dating issue!

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Hey everyone, I have a dating issue here and would like some advices..


I'm 25, a current university student and I'm trying to chase a girl whom I've only known for a semester. She's 21. Anyway, I've tried all sorts of romantic gestures to chase her with the most memorable one as "inviting" 12 little children to give her a rose each when we were at the mall. It was pre-planned of course. However, she told me that she doesn't have any feelings for me and only sees me as a friend, even though we have went out on 4-5 dates together and even held hands. A while later, she started avoiding me and became very sarcastic in a desperate bid to get me to stop contacting her. However, a good friend of mine texted her and found out that she felt I was out of her league and I'm too serious a person as I suppose, I'm quite matured. My good friend was able to convince her to keep me as a friend and open herself to this opportunity of knowing someone better instead of just shutting herself up. Soon after, she became nicer to me and we were able to have text and phone conversations on a daily basis. I think I'm in the friend zone.


What can I do to get out of it? I don't want to be just a friend to her.


(PS: She feels that I am out of her league as I'm currently a masters student with a double bachelor first class from an ivy league university and an owner of 2 start ups. Whereas she is a next door kind of girl who does not come from a rich family.)

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Honestly, I think you should just stop pushing so hard, it will put her off. Just relax and stop being so serious about it. You can't force attraction, if she is attracted to you it will happen naturally, if not you should cut your losses and move on.

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Ever think that maybe your friend just told you that to try and make you feel better about her not having the same feelings for you? You've made it very clear that you like her and would date her so even if she thought you were out of her league she's had many opportunities to allow you to into her life romantically yet doesn't... I suggest giving her space. If you can't and you need to see her again then take her on a date and make a move to give her a kiss. If the most you've done is hold hands then you're putting yourself in the friend zone by treating her like a friend and not making a move on her physically in order to get her to think of you romantically. The longer you wait, the less chance you'll have of her ever seeing you as more than a friend.

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(PS: She feels that I am out of her league as I'm currently a masters student with a double bachelor first class from an ivy league university and an owner of 2 start ups. Whereas she is a next door kind of girl who does not come from a rich family.)

Maybe I'm wrong on this, but these are not the characteristics most women are typically referring to when they say someone is out of their league.


They do frequently write off people they think have an exaggerated sense of self worth though...

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