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Age gap friendship is it possible is it healthy


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What's your opinion on friendships with age gaps. Same or mixed sex. I mean regular friendship, not a friendzone or fb/fwb or wannabe situation.

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One of the sweetest friends I had in the town I used to live in was almost 30 years older than me. She was precious. I currently have 2 dear friends who are 16 and 26 years older.


So since you are 78 you should be fine with a.....50 year old friend lolololol

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Depends on the gap. At some point I imagine you'll get so far apart that you'd have absolutely nothing in common and nothing to talk about.


There are also probably some social 'don't go there' scenarios ....like it would look creepy for a 50 year old man to be friends with a 15 year old girl.

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When I was about 9 I had a neighbour who had 3 sons, he was always sweet and gifted me with hair accessories, cute socks, etc. He had cancer and passed away before I was 11, but I used to cook and bake and brought it over to his house and he'd put on movies and we would eat and play board games, build ant farms, those kinds of stuff. He was really sick towards the end and was bed-ridden. I'd still go and bring food, he couldn't eat anymore but we'd still watch movies or play video games. He was 37 when he died. I still think of him and remember those good times.

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I am lucky I'm at the age I can hang out with people in their 20s or older (mid 20s myself). I honestly do better with older females as females my age can rather be the B word. But generally most of my friends are guys. Guys don't care what age you are (at least have to be 18). You become friends with the people you click with regardless of age.

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I am in my mid 20s, I have male and female friends that range from 20 to 35. Outside of the Friends that are past 30 benign at a quite different stage in life than me, everything seems fine.


Regarding relationship, I have really only dates woman that were a few years within my age. I feel really each case is unique but I think anything within 5 years age wise is common.

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I have a few gf who are 5 to 7 years younger than me. I also have a few friends my age or a bit older.


I used to have a male friend 15 years older - and he was really interesting. By far one of the most interesting man I ever met. Too bad he was really f*cked up- most likely that came together with the "interesting" part, hehe.


When there's connection, age, income, social situation disappear. I think the biggest challenge is not age, but time. People evolve or involve with time. That's the real test.

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I've made friends with an 85 year old guy here.


He's awesome!


Still jumping around, doing manual labor on his boat, dresses in some punk rock influenced style, is very knowledgeable and smart. Friendly. Always has good advice.


Out of all the people down here I've met (6 people? lol) He's the best one.

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I've had lifelong age gap friendships. I'm the older. One of my best friends is maybe 10 years younger than me -- well, two actually, but one is mostly a long distance friend now. Then more than one of my younger friends has passed away some time back that I was close to. When I was younger, I had some older friends, ran with an older crowd, was the youngest person in a commune. But as I got older seems like I always attracted younger people. I have about the same amount of same-age friends as younger friends. And not very many of either at my age, at least that will really make time to get together.


If you are a woman and have kids, that usually eliminates some of your younger friends, but I didn't have kids, so I was still out doing things and meeting the younger people who were also out doing things (for us it was music).

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