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Personal trainer who may be interested?

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I've been going to the gym for about a year now but have only just recently started to notice one of the personal trainers who works there about 2-3 months ago when I started going to the gym on a daily basis. I was injured and couldn't run outside for a while (I'm a distance runner and so is he.)


He's very attentive to his clients and is one of the top trainers at the gym who appears to take his work very seriously, but I started noticing that I caught his eye very frequently. It was fun for a while because I had something interesting to look forward to even when the gym got boring and I could always count on him looking at me every other time I looked in his direction, even when he was way across the gym with a client. About a month ago now I ended up deciding I did want to train with him (seriously for training purposes, but I guess my attraction to him is a big bonus) and found out we have a few good mutual friends who are also his roommates.


Now that we've started speaking to each other and he's been training me for 1 hour each week he comes over frequently to ask how I'm doing and is always watching me even when he's with other people. I know it's possible it's just because he cares about me as a client and wants to see me succeed, but I also wonder if there could be more interest there and if he's just waiting for our sessions/client-trainer relationship to end in 2 months as I'm sure he's pretty serious about his work. He keeps to himself a lot in his free time I gathered, but he's also recently had an off-again-on-again girlfriend that I don't know the status of really (but her FB status says single.)


Anyway, last Monday I was talking to him about going to the pool a few times a week to aqua jog and he started getting interested when I said I was going with one of the friends he lives with (he didn't know,) asking when and where, seeming to try and figure out his schedule. On Wednesday I asked him if he was interested in coming to the pool on the weekend to go with us and he said since he was no longer injured and could run normally again he didn't need to aqua jog. I figured he just wasn't interested in me that way then, but a few seconds later he said he could go swimming instead and said to let him know (I think he said that.. I have a hard time remembering.) Should I go ahead and initiate the hang out or am I pushing my limits too early and not waiting for him to take the lead, if at all?


He always seems happy to see me (could just be friendly) and is ok initiating conversations, even though nothing much is said and he appears to just be trying to talk just for the sake of it.

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