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Shy guy troubles

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Hello. First off, I'm in high school. And there is this guy that I've liked for several months:love:

We have had two classes together for the past two years. He chose to sit next to me in class last year and behind me in class this year. We've talked many times. He's nice and sweet and fun to talk to alone. In a group, though it's totally different. He acts like I'm not even there. He's really shy and kinda awkward too. I'm 99% sure, he has never had a girlfriend. We've had some moments, intense eye contact and interesting converations, but I have initiated all of it. I'm pretty sure he has no idea that I like him. Please help. I don't want to look back on high school with regrets that I never said anything to him. Advice, please!

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Just ask him if he wants to hang out.


Maybe see if you can "randomly" start talking about a new movie and then "casually" ask him if he wants to go see it towards the end of the conversation?


Good luck.

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I have no idea how old you are or maybe how young you are, but it must be difficult for you. One the one hand shy guys are problematic but on the other hand how are they supposed to overcome their shyness. Maybe, MAYBE, this is your opportunity to be the heroine of the hour and to let your own personality to develop.


If he won't take the initiative and there is always the risk that he won't how can you take it without it ending in humiliation as you possibly see it?


First. don't do anything in front of an audience. Secondly, play things in a low-key way, one small ans subtle step at a time.


Have you ever suggested considered engaging in one-to-one conversation by simply smiling in a friendly and disengaging way and saying to him in a gentle way, "You seem like a very shy sort, any particular reason?" If he is interested at all he will be keen to exploit the opportunity. If he says "No", then you get off pretty lightly. If he clams up and gets flustered without answering either positively or negatively, you may have to be prepared to persist a little bit more, so think of what other friendly non-provocative, non-committal questions you can pose to him. The fact is that neither boys or men come readily made with bags loads of confidence in themselves and those that appear to are usually full of hot-wind and false bravado that should be treated with plenty of caution.

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