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Reasons why, people play games for love?

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I mean.. Really

You already know, or feel you have chemistry, there is something going on there.

Why do men play games?

why do we women play being having to be chased after?



Why do men ignore the girl they like and then go after them like crazy when they are starting to be ignored too?

A signal he is not into you is normal when he ignores you and treats you horribly and then, you go after him and he ignores you and stuff..that means he is avoiding you.. but why the games?

Why appear not interested when in fact you are dying to be with the person.

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It's because people don't want what they have. Instead, they want what they haven't got. The game of ignoring or playing hard to get creates desire. It's like when a small child knows that there are goodies in the cookie jar, but can't get in there whenever he wants. He might get a cookie once a week or once a month. Games create a forbidden cookie jar of mysterious desire. Once the contents of that jar become available to a person, they're not interested. Sucks, but it's the way it works. People stay little kids forever.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I mean.. Really

You already know, or feel you have chemistry, there is something going on there.

Why do men play games?

why do we women play being having to be chased after?



Why do men ignore the girl they like and then go after them like crazy when they are starting to be ignored too?

A signal he is not into you is normal when he ignores you and treats you horribly and then, you go after him and he ignores you and stuff..that means he is avoiding you.. but why the games?

Why appear not interested when in fact you are dying to be with the person.



Sw3etdev1L, I understand completely! Guys are so dense when it comes to being honest, especially the ones that want to pursue you. Guys either play the jerk card or the i'm sort of shy around you card and when your not into him anymore and are with someone else, it drives them crazy cause they want you all to themselves and they can't have that.


I've been there before and I'm dealing with that sort of now with a guy friend.


I think they do it more then we do because of the fear for rejection, more so cause they been through enough to know that if it fails, they have to start all over again and if they work hard at getting some action and spend months being with you, they can't just "break-up" with you, because thats low, some guys do, but thats besides the point. The thing is then the guy will wait, till things get in that "rut" like state and look else where and leave you or till you get fed up and break up and he'll feel relieaved that he didn't have to do it.


So are all guys complicated? yes and no. Some will actually say something, not right away, but sooner then later. While others will wait till its too late or the very last minute your single and ready to be with someone. Now those are the guys that are fickle and hard to understand because they are the "grass is always green on the other side" types, looking to find someone great to hook-up with or date and keep you in the wings, thinking your not going anywhere, you like me, so no biggie. But then you date someone and bam! too late! they freak out and start having inner battles in their mind dissing the guy your seeing and thinking he could do better then that jerk that your with and make you happy and that your wasting your time with that loser and yes guys think on terms like we do when we like someone, haha.


Also any guy that starts to get over protective of you or starts saying that the guy is a jerk, is really actually trying to show you that he a good guy that you should look at in a different light, especially if he says "you can do better" or "you deserve better", clear signs a guy is telling you *why don't you look at me and think about me in that way!?* or *come on, pick me, ditch him!*

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Afraid of rejection?? Then realize they don't care because they can at least have a chance, but then it might be too late.

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