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Need a virtual hug or two...

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Life goes on - he was not approved for the 2 month leave; things with his workplace are getting crazier than a barrel of monkeys with fleas and lice. Looks like retirement is coming in either January or June of next year; most likely politely pushed aside.


What's come as a surprise to me is how much debt load he is carrying. It's a bit scary - especially since I live debt free and really like that feeling!!


On the plus side, the kids are doing well and we're pretty certain they are going to be able to make it financially without much, if any, help from us.


He was here this weekend - we had a lovely time, got a few chores done around the house plus had a couple of great "date nights". On the downside (seriously DOWN!!), the morning he flew out, I had a nasty tumble and sprained my ankle quite badly, so hobbling around in an ugly walking boot wasn't a lot of fun. Hoping I'm all better by his next visit - we're going to try to cut back on the "commuting" and focus on getting the debts paid down, so it will be about three more weeks before he is back.


Keeping myself busy with my mum (who is going thru a turn of depression; her birthday is Sunday and she will be the same age her mum was when she passed away) and I've been buying up the end of summer produce at the farmer's market, blanching and freezing fruits and veggies by the quart. My vintage Seal-A-Meal is still quite serviceable after all these years!!

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